Migraine Symptoms in Children: 5 Warning Signs That Need Immediate Attention

Migraines can be debilitating for anyone, but when they affect children, the situation can be particularly worrying.

Migraine Symptoms in Children: 5 Warning Signs That Require Immediate Attention

Most primary headaches are not necessarily serious, but sometimes severe pain can be a sign of migraine. People of all ages suffer from migraine, and symptoms in children are similar to those in adults. Between 3 and 10 percent of children have this health problem. However, the cause of migraine in children may not be clear, but genetics may play a role. According to research, about half of children who suffer from migraine stop having symptoms after puberty.

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In this article, we have shared 5 warning signs of migraine in children that require immediate attention:

Migraine symptoms in children

  1. Severe, persistent headache: Children who suffer from migraines often describe their headaches as severe or intense, as opposed to typical headaches. If your child complains of a headache that is often severe or persistent despite over-the-counter pain relievers, it could be a migraine.
  2. Nausea and vomiting: Children who suffer from migraines may experience nausea and vomiting along with their headaches. If your child has a headache accompanied by an upset stomach, vomiting, or lack of appetite, they should see a doctor immediately, as this could be a sign of a migraine.
  3. Sensitivity and light and sound
    A child with a migraine may become unusually sensitive to light and sound, which can increase his or her discomfort and make it difficult for him or her to perform everyday activities.
  4. Difficulty concentrating: Migraine can affect a child’s behavior and concentration. If your child shows unusual irritability, mood swings, or difficulty concentrating on homework or schoolwork, it may be related to migraine pain.
  5. Visual disturbances: Migraines in children are often accompanied by visual disturbances known as aura, which may include seeing flashes of light, blind spots, or zigzag lines. Visual disturbances are common in migraine and can affect a child’s ability to function.
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While migraines are a common condition, the sudden onset of symptoms or a significant change in a child’s health should not be taken lightly. Don’t hesitate to seek help to ensure your child gets the care they need.

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