Cancer in women, know its symptoms and types of cancer – GoMedii

The risk of cancer in women increases by 94 percent after the age of 75. Generally, cancer is more common in women than in men. Cancer diseases are increasing very rapidly these days. Just as in the past, people were afraid when they heard the name of heart disease, in the same way, today, people are afraid when they hear the name of cancer.


Cancer is a deadly disease. If its symptoms are not detected at the right time, it will not be cured soon and that is why this disease also becomes the cause of death. Therefore, a person should not ignore the changes occurring in his body at all and should immediately get himself checked by his doctor. If the symptoms of cancer are identified and proper treatment is given at the right time, this deadly disease can be avoided.


5 types of cancer are most common in women. Let us know which cancers are most common in women, what are their symptoms and how this disease can be prevented.



cancer in women symptoms of




  • have trouble swallowing anything


  • Mouth ulcer that does not heal



  • loss of appetite



  • Body have excessive moles



  • breast, brain or spinal cord knot


  • skin have a lot of problems



Types of cancer in women



breast cancer


women the most breast cancer Are struggling with the problem of. breast cancer problem. cells This happens in. If you feel a lump in the breast, do not ignore it, as it can be a symptom of breast cancer. In breast cancer, due to cancer, there is a problem of swelling of the breast tissues and red rashes may also occur.

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Symptoms of breast cancer –


  • form a knot


  • change in breast shape


  • Swelling accompanied by red rashes



cervical cancer


generally cervical cancer Caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Human papillomavirus (HPV), a group of viruses that cause cervical infections. There are over 100 types of these viruses. It is also spread from person to person through physical contact.


Some symptoms of cervical cancer include:



  • Vaginal bleeding after menopause or sexual contact


  • longer than usual periods


  • Other abnormal vaginal discharge


  • sex bleeding between pain during intercourse



lung cancer


men Women are more likely to develop this cancer at a younger age than men. When this cancer started lungs If it occurs in the lungs, it is called “primary lung cancer.” And when it comes from the lungs Body When it starts to spread to other parts of the lung, it is called “secondary lung cancer.”


Its symptoms include –


  • Cough



  • difficulty breathing


  • spit blood


  • Fever etc. are symptoms of lung cancer.



gastric cancer


When a person suffers from gastric cancer, a tumor begins to form in the lining of the stomach. The symptoms of this cancer do not appear at first. But sometimes. stomach Pain, stiffness, indigestion, feeling lethargic, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite can also be symptoms of gastric cancer. Therefore, if you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.


mouth cancer


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Nowadays, oral cancer also affects women. But it happens more in men than in women. oral cancer mainly Mouth Or occurs in the tissues of the throat. This also includes lip and gum cancer. Tobacco and alcohol use increase the risk of oral cancer.


The symptoms of this cancer are-


  • bleeding from the mouth



  • eat something throat to have pain



  • rash in mouth


  • Sudden weight loss, etc.



you in your body cancer If you notice any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately and seek advice.



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The post Cancer in women, know its symptoms and types of cancer first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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