Does Monkey Pox Only Happen Once in a Lifetime? Know the Whole Truth

Myths about monkeypox: Monkeypox, which has spread to more than 20 countries, has been declared a global health emergency by the WHO. This infection has also entered India. This is the second disease to be declared an emergency after 2022. This decision was taken due to the rapid increase of monkeypox virus in Africa.

There have been about 30,000 cases of monkeypox in Africa this year, out of which 600 people have died. In the midst of all this, many rumors are once again circulating on social media and the internet about monkeypox infection. To avoid this, it is necessary to understand the correct information about monkeypox and the myths associated with it.

Myth: Monkeypox can kill

Do : There are many rumors regarding monkeypox infection. One of them is that once infected with this infection, it becomes difficult to escape, which health experts deny. According to the US CDC, 99% of people infected with monkeypox are likely to recover and live long lives.

Myth: Monkeypox only occurs in homosexual and bisexual people.

Do : This is completely false. WHO expert Andy Seal says that many people on social media have said that monkeypox is not just a gay problem. It can happen to anyone. If two people are close to each other or make physical contact, the possibility of it happening is higher. If two men have unprotected sex, then the risk of infection is very high. This infection has also been observed in heterosexuals.

Myth: Once monkeypox appears, there is no cure.

  हल्कें में न लें पैरों का दर्द, वरना बढ़ सकती हैं ये गंभीर बीमारियां, जानें 5 कारण

Do : Monkeypox virus can only affect for a limited time. It heals on its own in 2 to 4 weeks. At that time, it is necessary to get it treated. So it is totally false to say that it is an incurable disease.

Myth: Monkeypox only happens once in a lifetime?

Do : Experts believe that once you’ve been infected or vaccinated, there’s no chance you’ll get monkeypox again. Paula Cannon, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, says that’s what happens with most viral diseases.

Viruses such as measles and Epstein gradually mutate, creating a strong immunity that lasts for life after infection. As a result, the body learns to recognize the viruses and fight them again, preventing them from entering the body.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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