Can Reheating Rice Cause Food Poisoning? It’s the Truth

Side Effects of Reheating Rice : Eating food by reheating it again and again is not good for your health. By doing so, the nutritional value of some foods may decrease and some may also become toxic. The same goes for rice. Bacterial cells are found in raw rice, but when it is cooked, bacteria can grow in it after 24 hours, making it toxic. After that, when the rice is reheated and consumed, the bacteria are destroyed but its toxicity is not eliminated and its consumption can cause many problems, including food poisoning.

Disadvantages of Reheating Rice

1. Food poisoning can occur

Eating rice after reheating it can cause food poisoning. In fact, when the rice cools down, a bacteria called Bacillus cereus grows in it, which is destroyed when the rice is reheated, but its elements mix in the same rice, which can make it toxic. When this rice enters the body, the toxic elements become the cause of food poisoning.

2. Stomach problems

According to a study, if cooked rice is not stored in the refrigerator, bacteria immediately start growing in it. Some of them may also contain spores, which can remain alive even after being reheated. When bacteria grow quickly, they produce toxins and can worsen stomach problems. To avoid this, never leave rice at normal temperature for too long after cooking. It is best to eat rice immediately after cooking.

3. May impair digestion

Reheating rice and eating it destroys its nutrients. This is why it is not digested properly. Due to this, stomach pain can also occur. If someone has weak digestion, they should never eat hot rice again. This can also lead to waste accumulation in the body, which can lead to constipation and other stomach problems.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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