10 signs of a healthy, protected child

The current situation has made even the most careful parents anxious about the health and well-being of their precious children. The various threats to different aspects of their lives have made protecting them both a challenge and a priority.

While nothing can stop parents from worrying and taking whatever extra precautions they can, there are visible signs they can look for to see if their child is healthy and safe.

The 10 visible signs of good nutrition

1. Not sickly: Is your toddler in good health? have less than eight colds in a year?

2. Appropriate weight for their height: are they heavy and tall enough for their age? Are they gaining the right amount of weight for their current height?

3. Mentally alert: are they alert and joyful while exercising their cognitive skills? Are you looking for ways to challenge yourself?

4. Good appetite: Are they eating a balanced meal every day without having to be force-fed? Are they open to trying different types of food?

5. Good muscle development: can they walk and play comfortably and not tire easily? Do they have good posture standing and sitting?

6. Regular bowel movement: do they have good digestion? Do they have at least one bowel movement a day?

7. Good sleep: Do they have regular, uninterrupted sleep both at night and during daytime naps?

8. Clear eyes: do they have good vision and do they not squint? Don’t they rub their eyes often and hold reading materials too close?

9. Fair Skin: Is your skin firm and supple? No dry patches or rashes on the skin?

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10. Shiny Hair – Is your hair healthy, smooth and shiny? Is it continually growing? Is your scalp clean and free of dry skin?

click this Link to learn more about how the different nutrients in NIDO® 3+ and 5+ can help young children achieve the 10 signs of good nutrition. Photo source: NIDO

To help parents ensure that their children have the 10 visible signs of good nutrition, NIDO® offers its Expert Toddler protection. As one of Nestlé’s historic brands, NIDO® has brought together a group of global and local scientific experts to study what Filipino toddlers and preschoolers need to help protect them during this critical stage of development. Because of this, NIDO® 3+ and 5+ are specially designed by experts with a unique combination of ingredients to provide age-appropriate nutrition along with proper diet and exercise and help mothers help protect their children for they can control these visible. signs

NIDO® 3+ and 5+ have DHA, ALA, iron and zinc that help support cognitive development; Prebio3, a unique blend of dietary fibers that helps maintain a healthy digestive system; and calcium and vitamin D which help support growth and development as well as muscle function, along with proper diet and exercise.

It is also currently the only milk on the market that has LACTOBACILLUS PROTECTUS with L. Rhamnosus, a probiotic that has been studied to help decrease the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, such as coughs and colds in children, even in 38% when combined with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, this helps support the defense of the upper respiratory tract of young children, while vitamins C, A, E, zinc and selenium contribute to the normal function of the immune system along with proper diet and exercise.

Help ProtecTodo your children today to see the 10 signs of good nutrition, along with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.  Photo Source: NIDO 3+ Facebook Page [LINK OUT
Help ProtecTodo your toddlers today to see the 10 signs of good nutrition, paired with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Photo source: NIDO 3+ Facebook Page

ProtecTodo measures like these are crucial as the world continues to battle mutating viruses and fast-spreading diseases. 

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In the important growing up years of toddlerhood, parents not only need to make sure that their kids are being protected from disease-causing viruses, but they also need to check if their child is developing mentally and physically according to their age. That is why NIDO® offers milk with nutrients to help kids with their brain development and immunity, while also helping strengthen their defenses against coughs and colds together with proper diet and exercise. 

Ready to raise healthy and happy toddlers? Simulan ang #NIDOProtecTodo journey with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle and visit NIDO’s website. You can also buy its products on the brand’s official Shopee store.

Reference: Children who drink milk with probiotic, L. Rhamnosus, have 30% less risk of respiratory infections. Hojsak I et. Al Clin. Nutr 2010 June 29 (3): 312-6

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NOTE: BrandNews articles are promotional features from our sponsors and not news articles from our editorial staff.

advertorial, BrandNews, life advertorial, Nido, NIDO 3+, NIDO 5+, toddler, good nutrition, ProtecTodo, age-appropriate nutrition, parenting, Toddler Expert, toddlerhood


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