How is insulin given to diabetic patients made?

Insulin : Insulin is a type of hormone that is produced naturally inside the body. It is also manufactured artificially outside. The role of insulin is to control blood glucose levels. Some diabetic patients need insulin. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and many other body functions.

To keep the body active, the production and absorption of insulin is necessary. If there is a problem in this process, the body gets tired and begins to feel helpless. A study published in the Journal of Endochronological Investigation indicates that 15.5 to 46.5% of adults worldwide suffer from some form of insulin resistance. In such a situation, let’s know how insulin given to diabetic patients is made…

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What does insulin do in the body?

1. Controls blood sugar level.

2. Saves fat in the body and uses it when needed.

3. Provides energy to every cell in the body, which means it supplies glucose to every cell in limited quantities.

4. Insulin maintains metabolism.

How is insulin made inside the body?

Insulin is made in the pancreas. After eating, when the amount of sugar and glucose in the blood increases, insulin is released to control the increase in sugar. In type 1 diabetes, the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed, which prevents the production of insulin. For those suffering from type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in their body but it is not effective. In such a situation, it is necessary to control the glucose level.

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How is insulin made outside the body?

1. Genetic engineering – The insulin gene is inserted into bacteria or yeast, which then produces the insulin protein.

2. Fermentation – Bacteria or yeast are grown in large tanks and insulin is produced.

3. Purification- Insulin is purified and separated from other residues.

4. Crystallization – Pure insulin is converted into crystals.

5. Filtration and packaging – Insulin is filled into vials or cartridges and prepared for diabetic patients.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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