Which people get skin cancer most often, know what is the reason

Skin cancer occurs when certain changes occur in the way your skin cells grow. In fact, skin cancer occurs as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays. Early symptoms include new bumps or patches on the skin, or various changes in the size, shape, or color of skin growths. Most skin cancers are curable if caught early. These treatments include Mohs surgery, cryotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Who is most at risk for skin cancer?

People who work long hours as farm laborers, gardeners, and in construction. They have a higher risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. Skin cancer is more common in people with fair skin. This is because they contain less melanin.

People with a family history of skin cancer are at higher risk. Those who already have skin cancer patients in their family are concerned that this disease will spread further.

Those with very fair skin are also at high risk of skin cancer. Because the skin of these people is immediately burned by the sun.

Those with red or light hair are also at higher risk of skin cancer.

Those with light eyes are also at higher risk of skin cancer.

People who spend a lot of time in the sun are at greater risk from sunlamps or tanning beds.

In some people, these diseases are genetic.

Why does basal cell carcinoma occur?

Health experts say that prolonged exposure to the sun causes basal cell carcinoma. People who use the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun or tanning beds for a long time are more likely than others to develop skin cancer. If a person stays in the sun for a long time, cancer cells form in the basal cells of their skin.

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These warts begin to appear on the skin as bumps or sores. A pink or red bump often appears on the forehead, nose, lower lip, cheeks, neck, and ears. Many times, it appears as a rash on the skin in which itching begins and a scab forms. Often, the sore bursts and blood begins to flow. Even blood cells become visible inside. In many situations, a wart on the face or on the hands and feet can also be a symptom of basal cell carcinoma.

People with weak immunity are also at high risk of skin cancer.

People whose drinking water contains arsenic also have a higher risk of skin cancer.

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