Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure and Care – GoMedii

A coronary artery bypass surgery is necessary when the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle are damaged. The heart pumps blood and delivers it to the parts of the body. Every part of the body cannot function without blood and oxygen. coronary artery bypass grafting In this, a healthy artery is taken from another area of ​​the body and a vein is taken from the leg and attached to the blocked artery in the heart. This allows the blood to bypass the damaged artery and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Today in this article we are going to talk about what is the cost of coronary artery bypass surgery in India?



When is heart bypass surgery necessary?



Plaque builds up in the arteries and coats them, increasing blood pressure. When this happens, the heart has trouble getting blood and can’t work properly. This is called atherosclerosis and to cure it angioplasty treatment is used. Angioplasty is a procedure to remove a blockage by inserting a tube into an artery. This tube has a balloon attached to it that is inflated to open the artery. After the artery is opened, the tube is removed and a stent is inserted to hold the artery in its original shape. Because angioplasty is a safe procedure, it is usually recommended instead of bypass surgery. However, in severe cases, the disease can be controlled with bypass surgery.



What happens after heart bypass surgery?



After bypass surgery, they take the patient to the intensive care unit to recover. Doctors and nurses keep him there regularly for a few days so that they can monitor blood pressure, breathing, urine output, and hydration status on chest tubes. When the patient regains consciousness and his condition stabilizes, he is sent to the ward. When the patient wakes up after coronary bypass surgery, he will have a catheter Mouth Stay in. When patients eat something or take a deep breath, they may feel pain at the site of the injury. When the patient does not require further complications, he is discharged 4-5 days after surgery.

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Recovery Process After Heart Bypass Surgery-



It may take 6 to 12 weeks for a person to fully recover. The doctor will guide you in medical care and wound care for a speedy recovery. Give this person timely rest, avoid heavy work and weight It may be advisable to refuse lifting. The doctor will prescribe certain medications to reduce pain after surgery. If the patient experiences pain, the doctor may also suggest the use of narcotics. If the recovery process is ignored, the doctor cardiac Rehabilitation may be recommended.



What is the cost of coronary artery bypass grafting in India?



India 2 10 000 Offers heart surgery at lowest starting cost of Rs., whereas in other countries Rs 2,50,000 Has the highest initial cost in most cities. Heart Average cost of surgery Rs 2,65,000 to Rs 3,50,000 Ranges between Rs. If you want more information on the cost of coronary artery bypass grafting, click here.



What preparation is necessary before heart bypass surgery?



Preparation is essential to the success of heart bypass surgery, or what is called coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Here is some essential information about preparation before heart bypass surgery:


  • test: Before surgery, the patient blood tests, including electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray and other diagnostic tests to supplement their Health This will need to be assessed. This will help the healthcare team determine if the patient is fit for surgery.


  • Medication management: The patient may need to stop taking blood-thinning medications a few days before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. The healthcare team will provide you with instructions on which medications to stop and when to stop.
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  • Young: The patient will be required to fast for a period of time prior to surgery, usually beginning at midnight the day before surgery. It is important that stomach Be empty, which will reduce the risk of complications during surgery.


  • Quit smoking: If a patient smokes, he or she will need to quit smoking several weeks before surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery, so quitting smoking is an important step in preparing for surgery.


  • Strengthens the lungs: lungs Deep breathing to strengthen and reduce the risk of postoperative complications such as pneumonia Exercise It may be advisable to practice.


  • Lifestyle: The patient may be advised to make certain lifestyle changes to improve their overall health before treatment, such as losing weight or Healthy Adopt a diet.


  • Arrangements at the hospital: You will need to make arrangements to stay in the hospital for several days after your surgery. This includes arranging transportation to and from the hospital, as well as arranging for someone to stay with you while you recover.


  • Mental preparation: The patient feels anxiety before surgery or Tension May be experienced. The healthcare team can help manage patients’ emotions by providing support and advice.


  • Notify the healthcare team: It is important to inform the healthcare team of any allergies, medical conditions or medications the patient is taking in order to provide optimal care and prevent possible complications during surgery.


  • Post-surgical support modalities: The patient will need someone to help with daily activities during the difficult recovery period. Indeed, the patient may need additional support.
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The post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure and Care first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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