What is the cost of gynecological laparoscopy in India – GoMedii

Gynecological laparoscopy is one of today’s advanced medical techniques, which plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of women’s health problems. This technique is used to treat problems in the female reproductive system and does not require large incisions in the abdomen for surgery. Through this, conditions in the body are observed and corrected, without the pain and difficulty of traditional surgery.



What is gynecological laparoscopy?



type of laparoscopy endoscopy In which a thin tube (laparoscope) is inserted into the abdominal cavity. This instrument has a small camera and light at the end, which gives the surgeon a clear view of structures inside the body. In gynecology, it is used to diagnose and treat problems in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs. at laparoscopy physical Along with the diagnosis of certain medical problems such as endometriosisfibroma, ovarian Also used to treat cysts and infertility.



How many types of gynecological laparoscopy are there?



  • Diagnostic laparoscopy: use this Gynecology Used to diagnose pelvic problems, such as pelvic pain, infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. doctor in this field stomach Let’s confirm the problem by taking a look inside.


  • Surgical laparoscopy: Through this, medical problems are treated. Such as ovarian cyst removal, endometriosis treatment and fallopian tube Diagnose problems.



What are the advantages of gynecological laparoscopy?



Gynecological laparoscopy Several major advantages differentiate it from traditional surgery:


  • Fewer incisions and scars: Traditional surgery requires a large incision, but laparoscopy uses only small incisions, resulting in less scarring.


  • Less pain: Thanks to the smaller incisions, the pain after surgery is also less.


  • Get well soon: The recovery process after laparoscopy is faster than traditional surgery. The patient has to stay in the hospital for a shorter period of time and can quickly return to normal life.
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  • Less bleeding: Thanks to the small incisions and precise surgery, the risk of bleeding is also lower.


  • Fewer complications: Laparoscopy also reduces the risk of infection and other complications.



How are the preparations carried out before the gynecological laparoscopy?



Some important preparations are carried out before gynecological laparoscopy:



  • Patient health examination: doctor patient Health Evaluate and perform necessary tests to minimize the risks associated with surgery.


  • Staying on an empty stomach: The patient is usually prohibited from eating or drinking 8 to 12 hours before surgery so that the stomach remains empty during surgery.


  • Other instructions: Your doctor may advise you to stop taking certain medications that may affect bleeding.



What is the gynecological laparoscopy procedure?



The gynecological laparoscopy procedure can be divided into the following stages:



  • Anesthesia: The patient receives general anesthesia so that he or she remains asleep during the surgery and does not feel any pain.


  • Stomach bloating: Carbon dioxide is introduced into the abdominal cavity to create a space between the abdominal wall and the organs. This gives the doctor a better view of the organs.


  • Uses of the laparoscope: The laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen and through it the doctor views the organs on the screen. After that, the necessary surgical intervention is carried out using other surgical instruments.


  • End of surgical procedure: After surgery, the gas is removed and the incision is closed with stitches.



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What is the cost of gynecological laparoscopy in India?



The cost of Gynecological Laparoscopy in India depends on many factors, such as the city, hospital, specialization of the doctor and the condition of the patient. Generally, this procedure costs ₹30,000 to ₹1,50,000 It’s possible



Care after gynecological laparoscopy



After a gynecological laparoscopy, the patient must rest for a while. Postoperative care includes the following:


  • primary care: Mild pain and discomfort may be felt in the first few days after surgery. Doctors give painkillers for this.


  • Health Monitoring: To identify symptoms of an infection Body Temperature, incision position and physical condition are monitored.


  • Diet and activity: It is advisable to eat light foods for a few days after the surgery. intense physical activities and Exercise should avoid.



When is gynecological laparoscopy used?



  • Endometriosis: This is a condition in which the tissues of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) Uterus Starts to grow outside. Laparoscopy is used to remove this tissue and reduce symptoms.


  • Fibroids: Laparoscopy can be used to remove small tumors that appear in the uterus.


  • Ovarian cyst: Ovarian cysts are diagnosed and treated laparoscopically.


  • Infertility: If a woman is struggling with infertility, the structure of the fallopian tube and the condition of the reproductive organs are examined laparoscopically.


  • Excessive bleeding: For women who have excessive bleeding during menstruation, the cause can be detected and treated laparoscopically.



What are the possible complications of gynecological laparoscopy?



Although laparoscopy is a safe procedure, certain complications can occur:



  • Infection: There may be a risk of infection after surgery, which can usually be avoided with cleanliness and proper care.
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  • Bleeding: There may be slight bleeding at the site of the incision, but in severe cases there may be a possibility of more significant bleeding.


  • Gas-related discomfort: filled the stomach gas For this reason, some patients may experience shoulder pain and Chest I can feel pain.


  • Organ damage: In rare cases, other organs may be damaged during laparoscopy, such as the intestines or urinary bladder






Gynecological laparoscopy is an advanced medical technology that plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of complications related to women’s reproductive health. Due to its advantages, it is safer and more effective than traditional surgeries. However, like any medical procedure, it also carries certain risks, but these risks can be minimized with proper care and caution. Today, laparoscopy offers great convenience and health benefits to women, making their lives healthier and more balanced.



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