Know the treatment and cost of atrial septal defect (ASD)

Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a common congenital heart disease characterized by a hole or hole in the wall (septum) between the two main chambers of the heart, the left and right atrium. This hole allows oxygenated (oxygen-rich) and deoxygenated (oxygen-poor) blood to mix, causing excess strain on the heart and lungs. If not treated in time, this problem can become serious and lead to many heart complications, such as heart failure, stroke, and pulmonary hypertension. This item Atrial septal defect (ASD) Provides detailed information on various aspects of diabetes, such as its types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods and cost.



What is atrial septal defect (ASD)?



Normal functioning of the heart Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood must be kept separately, so that Body So that the organs can receive the right amount of oxygen. Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a condition in which there is a hole in the septum between the two atria of the heart, allowing blood to pass through. This hole can be small or large. Normally, this hole should close at birth, but in ASD cases it does not close, affecting the blood circulation system.



What are the types of atrial septal defect?



There are several types of atrial septal defect, depending on the location of the hole and its size. In general, there are three main types of ASD:


  • Secondary type (secondary ASD): This is the most common type of ASD, in which the hole occurs in the middle part of the septum. About 70 to 80% of cases are of this type.


  • Main type (main ASD): This ASD occurs in the lower part of the septum and is usually located in the other Heart Found with associated disorders.


  • Type of sinus venosus (TSA sinus venosus): This is the least common type of ASD and is located in the upper septum. This type of hole is often Pulmonary It is also associated with venous disorders.
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  • Coronary sinus type (coronary sinus ASD): This is a very rare type of ASD, in which there is an abnormal connection between the coronary sinus and the left atrium.



What can be the causes of an atrial septal defect?



The main cause of ASD is not clearly known, but it is congenital and fetus This is because the heart does not form properly during development. Any disturbance in cardiac development can cause ASD. In addition, certain genetic and environmental factors also contribute to its development:


  • Genetic factors: If one parent has ASD or any other congenital heart disorder, the child may also be at increased risk.


  • environmental factors: Alcohol, smoking, or exposure to certain toxic chemicals during pregnancy can also increase the risk of ASD.


  • Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases such as rubella (German measles) in pregnant women can also increase the risk of congenital heart defects.



How are the symptoms of atrial septal defect visible?


In many cases, babies with small atrial septal defects develop normally and have no special symptoms. But in case of atrial septal defect with a larger hole or other complications, some symptoms are evident, such as:



  • Shortness of breath: after the slightest activity.


  • Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).


  • Frequently Chest Infection in.


  • feet, ankles or stomach Swelling.


  • Developmental issues in children: such as weight Growth failure or delay in physical development.


  • In adults, if ASD is left untreated, its symptoms can become more serious, such as heart arrhythmias, stroke, or abnormally enlarged heart (heart failure).



How to diagnose an atrial septal defect?


Atrial septal defect can be diagnosed by several medical tests, which check the structure and function of the heart:

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  • Echocardiography: This is the most common and accurate diagnostic test for ASD, in which an image of the heart is taken using ultrasound technology and provides information about the size and location of the hole.


  • Chest x-ray: The general condition and size of the heart are assessed there.


  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): It measures the electrical activity of the heart and records any abnormal changes in heart rhythm.


  • Cardiac catheterization: In this procedure, a thin tube is inserted inside the heart, which provides precise information about the hole.


  • MRI or CT scan: These tests take 3D images of the structure of the heart and provide detailed information in severe cases.



What are the treatment options for atrial septal defect?


There are several treatment options for an atrial septal defect, depending on the size, location of the hole, and the age and condition of the patient. In some cases this can be cured with medication, but in most cases surgery is necessary. Here are the main treatment options:


  • Medical follow-up: If the ASD is minor and causes no symptoms, doctors may monitor the patient regularly. Many small holes close naturally and in such cases no treatment is necessary.


  • Drugs : There is no medication to cure ASD, but medications can be used to control its symptoms. There are common medications.


  • Antiarrhythmic drugs: To keep the heart rate normal.


  • Anticoagulants (anticoagulants): To prevent the formation of blood clots, especially in patients at risk of stroke.


  • Catheter repair: This method is adopted when the size of the hole is not large and is located in the central part of the septum. In this procedure, a catheter is passed through a blood vessel to the heart and then the hole is closed using a special device. This method is less invasive than surgery and the patient recovers quickly.
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  • Surgery: If the ASD is large or cannot be closed with a catheter, open heart surgery Is required. In this, the hole is closed after opening the heart. This procedure is effective in children and adults.


  • a hole during the operation Artificial It is closed using patches or stitches. After the operation, the patient has to stay in the hospital for a few days and it takes a few weeks to fully recover.



How much does it cost to treat an atrial septal defect?


The cost of treatment for atrial septal defect depends on hospitals and doctors. Atrial septal defect treatment cost in India INR 50,000 to 1,00,00 INRare up to 0.





ASD can be a serious congenital heart condition, but it can be completely cured with prompt diagnosis and treatment. It is important to identify your symptoms and consult a doctor at the right time. The cost of treatment and procedures depends on the condition of the patient, but there are good medical institutions at different levels in India, which can successfully cure him.



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