Infant Protection Day 2024 : Infant Protection Day is celebrated today, November 7. The aim of celebrating this day is to promote the care of children from birth to 1 year old. So that people can be aware about the safety and proper care of the newborn. If there is a newborn baby in the house, not only parents but also all family members should be extremely careful. We must therefore be very attentive to them. In such a situation, tell us what to do to take care of a child up to 1 year old, so that your little one remains healthy, safe from diseases and always happy.
What to do to take good care of the child
1. Before touching the newborn (Newborn Care Tips), wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap as the baby may become vulnerable to germs and viruses if touched with hands dirty. 2. 2. Wash all baby belongings with soap or antibacterial detergent and dry them thoroughly.
3. If there is fever, cough, cold or any other illness in the house, stay away from the newborn until he or she is cured.
4. If the mother is sick, use latex gloves when feeding or changing clothes.
5. Always wear clean clothes before taking the child on your lap.
6. Also pay attention to children’s clothing. Fungus can grow even on slightly wet clothing, which can cause skin irritation.
7. Buy only sealed diaper packages. Dress the child first with cotton, then with another fabric.
8. Always keep used wipes, powder and pants for children in a place where they can be easily found when needed.
9. Keep the house disinfected. Thoroughly clean all corners, plastic, metal, glass handles and floors.
The newborn needs extra care
1. Parents should never force their children to sleep alone. Cover them on all sides while you sleep, so that there is no fear of falling.
2. Keep children’s bed soft, strong and flat.
3. If the child cries a lot or feels unwell, seek medical attention immediately.
4. Don’t force children to wear too many clothes, only keep them to the extent they are comfortable. Wear soft clothes yourself.
5. Massage children with chemical-free oil or cream.
6. Do not keep gadgets like mobile or laptop near children.
7. Vaccinate children on time after birth.
Feed only breast milk to the newborn
Doctors say that breast milk acts as a protective shield for the newborn. Only breast milk should be given from one hour after birth until 6 months. Other than that, they don’t need water, juice or anything else. In fact, breast milk contains exactly the right amount of fat, sugar, water and protein. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the child. This is why it is also called complete diet. This milk improves the health of the child.
Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.
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