Superfit gran, 67, with arthritis, says youngsters ‘moan’ too much about the gym

Gym junkie Sharon Garner is proving she’s a true super-grandmother at 67, despite suffering from arthritis, bossing it around like a gym bunny, and says young people “complain” too much about having to work out.

She claims that “anyone” can go to the gym despite what they say because she can do it despite her age and health conditions.

super fit Sharon, who has eight grandchildren, believes it’s never too late to start exercising as she spends the week kickboxing, swimming and running.

Grandma even ran two half marathons last year, but had to slow down because it wasn’t good for her knees.

Grandma has even run marathons.
(Image: SWNS)

Sharon said: “I see people in their twenties in the gym complaining about not being able to do things.

“But if I can do it all with my arthritis, anyone can!

“I walk into the gym with a smile on my face and walk out with an even bigger one.

“In my kickboxing class there are mainly men, but I can keep up with all of them.”

She says it’s “never a chore” to go to the gym and is always looking forward to getting stuck into her circuit and kickboxing classes.

Sharon Garner, 67, a self-confessed gym addict, has eight grandchildren
Sharon Garner, 67, a self-confessed gym addict, has eight grandchildren
(Image: SWNS)

Sharon also follows a healthy diet along with her exercise regimen, cutting out red meat and eating plenty of green vegetables, eggs, and avocados.

She added: “Age is not an excuse. I am almost 70 years old and I am still fit.

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“And it’s never too late to start. You’ll be surprised how much you’re capable of.”

Retired property manager Sharon, from Penzance, Cornwall, also loves to brighten up the gym with her dazzling range of
multicolor training equipment.

She spends around £50 a month on stylish outfits and trainers for her workouts, but tries to hide the deliveries from her 48-year-old husband, Alwyn, 71.

She has more than 40 sets of training equipment.
She has more than 40 sets of training equipment.
(Image: SWNS)

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She said: “I love sparkly gym gear – I have drawers and drawers full of them and they outnumber my regular clothes.

“There is nothing better than wearing a new pair of sneakers or a sports outfit when you go to the gym.

“I don’t think my husband understands it, but I love it.”

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