Michael Mosley shares two easy morning exercises which help weight loss

Health guru Dr. Michael Mosley shared some simple exercise tips during an appearance on This Morning. An expert in his field, he is known for offering quick and easy weight loss and dietary suggestions that have proven popular with the British public.

During his appearance, Dr. Mosley presented suggestions to include in your morning routine that promise to show quick results. He shared two key exercises that should be done every day to improve overall health, including burning visceral fat.

Dr. Mosley said: “I don’t think exercise alone will help you lose weight, but at least it improves your mood. The data suggests if you combine it [diet] with exercise that’s a great way [to lose weight].

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“And one of the things you want to do, and this is the importance of protein, you need at least 50g of good quality protein a day, which preserves your muscle. What you want to do when you lose weight is lose fat and not lose muscle and that was the danger of going on a really low calorie, low protein (tea, juice) diet is that your body needs protein and if you don’t get it from your diet , you get it from your muscles.

“So you need decent protein and exercise and that really means doing push-ups and squats.”

Push-ups and squats are easy-to-do exercises that can be done anywhere in your home, and the number of reps you complete depends entirely on ability, which can be worked on slowly. It comes after Dr Mosley discussed the benefits of push-ups and squats during an episode of the BBC Radio 4 podcast Just One Thing.

How do you exercise daily? Let us know in the comments

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He explained, “I’m doing something I try to do every day: push-ups. We all know that aerobic exercises like running, walking, swimming, cycling are good for the heart and lungs.

“Besides that, there’s only one thing I recommend you add to your daily routine: resistance exercise like push-ups. There’s some exciting new research on the benefits of strength training, like a few minutes of daily resistance exercise, where you don’t don’t. You don’t need any special equipment: you can stimulate your brain and your muscles.

“There are two forms of strength training that I find particularly effective and easy to fit into my life. The first is push-ups, one of the best inexpensive ways to strengthen your upper body.

“Push-ups not only keep you toned, but there is evidence that resistance training can improve your sleep. The second form of resistance exercise that I recommend you try to do regularly is the squat.

“As we found out, it is. it is one of the best exercises to improve brain function in surprising ways.”

Commenting on his own routine, Dr. Mosley said: “I try to do 40 push-ups most days. I also love walking and cycling, and I also force myself to run occasionally.

“[For press ups and squats] I do them first thing in the morning when I get out of bed, because if I don’t do them then, I’ll probably forget to do them later in the day. They give you a full-body workout, help your heart, and can even boost your brainpower,” she said.

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