The #1 Breakfast Food to Avoid for Belly Fat, Says Dietitian
 — Eat This Not That

There are two types of people in the world: those who go to bed thinking about what they are going to eat breakfast, and those that don’t. And for those breakfast lovers out there, you know that what you choose to eat can make or break your morning.

If you’re a breakfast lover who’s also trying to lose weight or maintain a similar type of health goal, find healthy foods for breakfast that still excites you can sometimes be a challenge.

The key to choosing breakfast foods for weight loss, especially around the abdominal area, is to make sure you get enough protein. For example, a great way to start the day is with eggs and avocado on whole-grain toast, or Greek yogurt with berries and nut butter.

But what about certain foods that you should avoid if you’re trying to lose belly fat? According to Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD on Balance One Supplements, One breakfast food you may want to limit or avoid when trying to lose belly fat is breakfast pastries..

Read on to learn more about how refined carbs like breakfast pastries can derail your weight loss goals, and for more healthy eating tips, check out The best eating habits to reduce belly fat.

Why you should avoid pastries for breakfast if you want to lose belly fat.

breakfast cake

breakfast pastries such as pre-packaged, processed toast, donuts and even some meal replacement bars can stall your weight loss efforts, especially since weight gain around the abdomen is easily exacerbated by a diet containing refined carbohydrates and sugar,” Best says.

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While eating a decadent, fluffy cake in the morning can be satisfying in the moment, Best cautions that they don’t actually have much nutritional value, which can be detrimental to your health. health goals overtime.

“These cakes are high in calories and packed with ingredients that lead to inflammationglucose spikes and subsequent crashes, as well as only temporary relief from hunger,” Best says, “and this can lead to overeating other foods soon after consuming breakfast pastries with little or no nutritional value.”

Best also points out that eating foods that have low nutritional value, especially in the morning hours, can “leave you feeling hungry and fatigued for the rest of the day.”

The Link Between Refined Carbs and Belly Fat

Time refined carbohydrates Just as pastries for breakfast can have an immediate impact on your glucose and energy levels, they can also contribute to increased belly fat over time if eaten regularly.

For example, a study recently published in The nutrition diary found a connection between regular consumption of refined carbohydrates and more weight around the abdominal area. This same study also found that replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains could help improve abdominal weight gain, as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

RELATED: The 6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Belly Fat, Dietitians Say

Put off

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You certainly don’t have to avoid pastries for breakfast forever, especially if eating them brings you joy in the morning. However, Best suggests making some adjustments to the way you consume them.

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breakfast pastries it should be limited to occasional consumption and replaced with nutrient-rich foods that will fuel your body and set it up for success,” she says.

In the mornings, when you indulge in a muffin or donut, try pairing it with a healthy breakfast with plenty of lean protein like eggs or low-sugar Greek yogurt.

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