A gynecomastia pinch test is usually done to determine if there is any swelling or enlargement in the chest area. To do the test, the person pinches the skin on the chest and then releases it. If there is an increase in the size of the chest area when the skin is pinched, then gynecomastia is likely present.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia (sometimes known as ‘man boobs’) is a common condition that causes the breasts of boys and men to swell and become larger than normal. It is most common in teenage boys and older men.

How does gynecomastia develop?

hormonal imbalance

Gynecomastia can be caused by an imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen causes breast tissue to grow. While all men produce some estrogen, they usually have very high levels of testosterone, which prevents estrogen from growing breast tissue.

How does gynecomastia develop

If the balance of hormones in the body is changed, it can lead to the enlargement of the male breast. Sometimes, the cause of this imbalance is unknown.

  • obesity
  • newborn baby (boys)
  • older age

other reason

Other rare causes of gynecomastia include:

  • drug side effects – such as anti-ulcer drugs or heart disease medicine
  • Illegal drugs – such as cannabis or anabolic steroids
  • drinking too much alcohol
  • any health condition – such as kidney failure or liver disease
  • Klinefelter syndrome ( a rare genetic disorder)
  • lump or infection in the testicles

ALSO READ: Causes and Treatment of Puffy Nipples in Men

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Symptoms range from a small amount of extra tissue around the nipples to more bulging breasts. It can affect one or both breasts.

Sometimes, breast tissue can be tender or painful, but this is not always the case.

When should I see a doctor?

If you experience any of the following problems, you should see a doctor immediately:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • pain on touch
  • Fluid from one or both nipples

Why does gynecomastia develop during puberty?

Gynecomastia can affect the newborn (boys), because estrogen is passed from mother to baby through the placenta. This is temporary and will disappear a few weeks after the baby is born.

During puberty, boys’ hormone levels vary. If testosterone levels drop, estrogen can cause breast tissue to enlarge. Many teenage boys have some degree of breast enlargement. Gynecomastia at puberty usually gets better as boys get older and their hormone levels become more stable.

Can obesity lead to gynecomastia?

Being overweight (obesity) is a common cause of gynecomastia – this is because being overweight can increase estrogen levels, which can lead to overgrowth of breast tissue. If you are overweight you are also more likely to have excess body fat which can increase breast tissue. For some people losing weight or getting more exercise may help but it may not always improve the condition.

Is Gynecomastia Due to Fat Build-Up?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged breast tissue. This can happen as a result of hormonal changes that promote breast tissue growth. Gynecomastia does not cause accumulation of body fat and is not related to obesity. An overweight or obese person has fat around the body.

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“Man boobs” exist because of excess fat, but this is a separate condition from gynecomastia. In these cases, it is pseudo gynecomastia, an enlargement of the male breasts. Pseudogynecomastia is often caused by a buildup of fat in the breast due to being overweight or obese.

Why does gynecomastia develop in old age?

As men get older, they produce less testosterone. Older men tend to have more body fat, and this can lead to the production of more estrogen. These changes in hormone levels can lead to additional breast tissue growth.

Treatment of Gynecomastia?

Visit your doctor if you’re concerned about breast tissue enlargement – they can discuss treatment options with you.

If a doctor thinks you need treatment, they may recommend the following:

  • surgery to remove excess breast tissue
  • Medication to adjust hormone imbalance

Always see a doctor if you have severe breast pain or if there is an obvious lump. Sometimes, the lump may need to be removed. Gynaecomastia is not related to breast cancer, but you should see a doctor if you are concerned about mastitis.

Doctors usually start the treatment of man boobs with medicines, the drugs used in this disease may include:

  • Tamoxifen:
    It effectively treats male boobs by reducing the amount of estrogen in the body and reducing breast size in men. Tamoxifen medicines are usually available in tablet form, your doctor determines the dosage and how long to take.
  • Danazol:
    This medication reduces the amount of estrogen produced in the testicles, which reduces the size of the breast and improves the symptoms of male breast. This medicine is also taken in tablet form and its dosage and duration is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Aromatase inhibitors (occasionally):
    These drugs are used primarily for breast cancer treatment . Aromatase Inhibitors medicines are available in the form of tablets to be taken, their dosage or for how long they have to be taken, etc.

There is no specific drug that is most preferred, although tamoxifen is the most preferred drug for gynecomastia. Therefore, before taking any medicine, it should be known about its benefits and risks etc. 

Gynecomastia may recur after discontinuation of the drug. If this happens, you should go to your doctor without delay. 


Surgery is usually only used in exceptional circumstances. If gynecomastia does not improve with appropriate lifestyle changes or medication, then surgery is considered. If you have been suffering from gynecomastia for a long time, which is affecting your normal life, then in such a situation, doctors think about treating it with surgery. 

The doctor informs you about all the risks associated with the surgery before the operation so that you can decide whether you should have the operation or not. 

The type of operation is decided based on the size of the gynecomastia and how much fat has increased. The main goal of treatment is to bring the patient’s chest back to normal size. More than one operation may be required for its treatment.

When the size of the breast remains large even after the initial treatment, in such a situation, doctors recommend surgery. There are two main types of surgery done for this: 

  • Liposuction:
    This surgery removes excess fat from the top of the breasts, but does not remove the mammary glands.
  • Mastectomy: With
    the help of this surgical procedure, only the glandular tissue of the breasts is removed. This surgery is usually done with the help of endoscopy , meaning a small incision is made in it. In this surgery, only a small incision is made, so it also heals quickly. 

There are a few types of surgical procedures, which can be performed alone or in conjunction with each other. Your doctor will examine you carefully before starting any procedure so that they can find the right surgical procedure for you. 

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Gynecomastia Diagnosis

To diagnose gynecomastia, first, the patient’s medical history will be reviewed. The doctor will investigate whether the gynecomastia is due to physiological factors or is drug-induced, mainly caused by anabolic steroids.

Other tests that may be done to get a more accurate diagnosis may include:

  • Imaging tests using a mammogram to obtain a radiological picture of breast tissue;
  • endocrine hormone tests to assess hormone levels and balance; And
  • Blood tests to assess kidney, liver, and thyroid function, which can help determine the underlying cause of the condition.

Gynecomastia Physical Exam and the “Pinch Test”

A physical exam called the Gynecomastia Pinch Test is also conducted to find out whether the condition is true Gynecomastia or Pseudo Gynecomastia. The patient is asked to lie down in a supine position. The doctor will then use their index finger and thumb to examine the breast tissue. If the doctor feels a rubbery or firm mass of disc-shaped tissue under the nipple, the condition is true gynecomastia. If no such tissue is present, it is pseudo-gynecomastia.


How Can I Prevent Gynecomastia?

Preventable causes of gynecomastia include abstinence from alcohol abuse, anabolic steroids, and drug abuse. In addition, if you are taking one of several medications that can provoke the development of gynecomastia, you should consult with your primary doctor to see if alternative medications are available.

Avoiding gynecomastia during adolescence is difficult. This is mainly due to the fact that hormone fluctuations occur normally in this age group, and hormone management is not usually performed, as hormone levels normally and gradually return to normal over time. it happens.

If you think your son is suffering from gynecomastia, the best course of action is to take him to his doctor for evaluation.

Causes and Risk of Gynecomastia

Why does gynecomastia happen?

Male boobs can be a result of side effects of certain types of drugs or due to incorrect use of drugs. Below are examples of some types of drugs that can cause male breasts:

  • Corticosteroids and anabolic steroids
  • antibiotic
  • certain types of herbal products such as tea tree oil and lavender
  • Opioids (narcotics)
  • Estrogen (found in soy products)
  • Medicines taken to soothe  heartburn
  • Medications for Anxiety (Anti-Anxiety Medication)

Not only this but gynecomastia can also be related to some health problems and their treatment. Examples of this may include the following: 

  • Malnutrition:
    If your body is not getting enough nutrition, then the level of testosterone hormone starts falling but the level of estrogen remains constant. When this happens, the balance of hormone levels in the body starts deteriorating. Gynecomastia  may occur even after a person has resumed normal nutrition. 
  • Tumors: Due to a tumor in a man’s testis, adrenal gland or pituitary gland, these glands start producing more or less hormones . When this happens, the level of male and female hormones becomes unbalanced.
  • Chronic kidney
    failure: About half of people who are being regularly treated with hemodialysis develop gynecomastia due to hormonal changes. 

Apart from these, there are other diseases that can cause gynecomastia:

  • hypothyroidism 
  • liver cirrhosis
  • decrease in testosterone levels
  • obesity

When does the risk of getting male breast increase?

There are certain conditions in which a patient may be at increased risk of gynecomastia. These may include the following conditions:

  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol in excess can damage the liver in many ways, due to which many types of diseases can occur. Alcohol in excess stimulates the liver, causing an imbalance in hormone levels. The liver stops absorbing circulating estrogen, estrogen levels rise, but man boobs decrease. Thus, due to unbalanced hormone levels, breast tissue can start growing.
  • Obesity:
    The more fatty cells in a person’s body, the more their body starts making estrogen. As a result, the breast tissue starts growing.
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There are other conditions that increase the risk of gynecomastia:

  • Tumor secreting hCG or estrogen/estrogen precursors (such as testicular or adrenal tumors).
  • Swollen breasts can also occur as a side effect of hormone treatments used to treat cancer .
  • Adolescence
  • getting older
  • Hypogonadism (primary or secondary)
  • chronic kidney failure
  • hypothyroidism

How Can I Get Rid of Chest Fat or Pseudogynecomastia?

There are many options to get rid of chest fat, first and foremost is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. However, even under ideal conditions, chest fat can remain. In these cases, chest fat is usually removed with vasor-assisted lipoplasty or liposuction, which has the added benefit of allowing contouring of the chest, creating a more youthful aesthetic. As mentioned earlier, it is possible to have both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. In these cases, the gynecomastia is usually removed, and then lipoplasty is performed to remove the fat in the chest and correct the depression left as a result of the removal of the gynecomastia.

Complications of Gynecomastia

What are the complications of gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a very distressing condition, which can also cause a lot of embarrassment to the patient. A man suffering from gynecomastia starts thinking of himself as separate from society. It can also be the cause of breast cancer, which is very important to get tested and treated immediately. 

Cases of male breast that are not caused by cancer are usually not fatal. However, some complications can arise from the surgery done to treat this condition.

Some of the possible surgeries or risks of gynecomastia surgery are:

  • Both breast and nipple mismatch (gap)
  • temporary numbness of the affected vein or loss of feeling in the breast
  • If the breast has not developed properly, the breast may begin to grow again after surgery.
  • Permanent discoloration of the skin around the breast
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars that are raised, reddish in color and slightly thick. These scars can form at the site of the surgery incision. These can be quite annoying, itchy in appearance, but they do not cause any health problems.

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Can gynecomastia be treated with weight loss and exercise?

No doubt, options like weight loss and exercise are great ways to enhance your overall health and fitness, but you cannot cure true gynecomastia with it.

Is gynecomastia painful?

Gynecomastia is usually painless, and if you have severe pain, the swelling may be caused by something else. If a man is experiencing severe chest pain, it is better to see a doctor who can fully assess the problem.

Are there any natural remedies for gynecomastia?

Others provide relief, such as turmeric, kudzu, and herbs that contain polyphenolic antioxidants. Herbs that affect the balance of testosterone and estrogen in the body may also affect gynecomastia in some way.

Gynecomastia pinch test for women?

Enlargement (gynecomastia) may be more or less asymmetrical from left to right. A self-exam, also known as a “squeeze test,” usually reveals a disc-shaped, hard, movable, hard, touchable lump of tissue. Unlike cancer, this tissue is soft and centrally located below the -■■■■■■ complex.

How do I know if it’s gyno or fat?

Chest fat is usually soft to the touch, whereas gynecomastia is firmer. Some patients describe gynecomastia as having a hard or rubbery feeling. In fact, you may even feel a solid lump under your skin, which usually doesn’t occur with chest fat.

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