ayurvedic: Opd For Mental Health In Ayurvedic Colleges Every Friday | Raipur News – Times of India

Raipur: Citing the increase in the number of mental problems including irritability, tension, anxiety, fear, lack of sleep, depressed and restless mind, special mental health clinics launched from April 1 will be operated in the government every Friday of the state. ayurvedic Raipur and Bilaspur University Hospitals. Considering the importance of mental health and timely intervention to treat symptoms of mental illness, the health department initiated these services. According to state health officials, healthy living also requires being mentally healthy. As well as physical illnesses, mental illnesses can also have an adverse effect on our health. The number of psychopaths has increased significantly in recent years. Chhattisgarh Address of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, SiddhaSowa Rigpa and Homeopathy (AYUSH) Assistant Director Dr Vijay Sahusaid that people with mental health problems receive appropriate counseling and treatment free of charge, including panchkarma Services will be provided if required and healthy lifestyle through Ayurveda.
At its launch, few people reported on its first day and state health officials called on the public to take advantage of services to improve. Y/n

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