If You Want To Lose Two Pounds A Week, Don’t Sleep On Strength Training

Most people want their weightloss be quick and drastic, which is totally understandable, but that strategy can backfire and cause you to gain all the weight later. If you’re just beginning your journey, one goal you may be thinking of setting is to lose one to two pounds a week. It sounds doable, but you might be wondering if it’s really safe and how to lose two pounds a week.

The good news is that those numbers fall right into the acceptable ballpark, according to jonathan valdezRDN, the owner of Genki Nutrition and spokesman for New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “The safest weight to lose is one to two pounds a week,” she says. Not only that, people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about a pound or two a week) are also more successful at keeping the weight off long-term, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, many factors could affect the actual number of pounds you lose week after week. Nutrition, for example, plays a very important role. “And specifically, calories in and calories out,” says Valdez. “Other factors include diseases related to metabolism, genetics, physical activity, stress and the amount of sleep you get each night.”

He notes that losing more than two pounds a week can cause electrolyte imbalances, irregular menstruation, constipationfatigue, muscle loss, hair loss, and gallstones.

What can I do to lose two pounds a week?

If you want to see two pounds a week progress, you’ll want to stay on a caloric deficitwhich is the shortage of calories relative to the amount needed to maintain current weight, explains Valdez.

The best way to lose two pounds a week is to cut 500 calories from your diet and another 500 through exercise.

“The best way to lose two pounds a week is to reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories and exercise to cut 500 calories a day,” he says.

However, that doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within those parameters. “In general, the calories you eat should come from healthier options, like whole grains and lean protein. To lower your calories, you can increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and lean protein,” says Valdez.

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How many calories should I eat to lose two pounds a week?

Valdez advises against any diet that recommends eating less than 1,200 calories. Calculating an exact caloric intake for you can be tricky, especially if you also exercise. “You’d be better off seeking out a registered dietitian nutritionist for help,” she says.

If you still want to do it on your own, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans he is a great role model, according to Valdez. The guidelines recommend making sure to include them in your meals every day.

  • Two cups of fruit a day.
  • Two to three cups of vegetables a day.
  • Six to eight glasses of fluids per day or as long as your morning urine has a yellow tint.
  • Twenty-five to 30 grams of lean protein three times a day

    How much exercise do I need to lose two pounds a week?

    “To lose two pounds a week, you’re looking for a weekly deficit of about 7,000 calories, or 1,000 per day. This deficit should be created primarily through diet and supplemented with exercise,” he says. To fit coach Bree Mitchell, CPT. “Assuming you’re cutting 500 to 750 calories from your diet, you’ll want to create the remaining 250 to 500 calorie deficit through exercise and increased movement.”

    ICYMI, physical activity increases NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), which can have a significant impact on how many calories you burn on a daily basis. Mitchell points out that in addition to going to the gym, there are habits you can incorporate into your routine to maximize NEAT.

    • Take the stairs
    • Answer calls while standing, walking or walking
    • park further away
    • Get up from your desk and move around periodically
    • Stretch in the morning, at noon and before bed
    • Take your dog for a walk
    • play with your children
    • do the housework
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      But if you’re looking for the perfect exercise plan to help you lose two pounds a week, Mitchell suggests a combination of strength training and additional cardio to burn more calories in the short term.

      Although strength training does not burn as many calories as cardioit remains an extremely important part of a well-balanced, healthy, long-term exercise routine to increase lean body mass and boost metabolism.

      “This plan is meant to be implemented over a set period of time with the specific goal of reducing body fat, and the idea is to increase activity to achieve an additional daily caloric deficit, and then reduce it periodically so the body doesn’t become overloaded.” , he points out.

      How long do I need to exercise to lose two pounds a week?

      Mitchell says to aim to move for 60 to 90 minutes each day incorporating daily cardio of your choice for an hour per day and adding in full-body strength training two to three times per week.

        “Variety is key and will make this program fun. Plan your cardio each week and try to incorporate new and fun ways to move and sweat,” says Mitchell. “Your body will also benefit from different types of movement, making it fun and effective!”

        She recommends the following for cardio.

        • Walking
        • Run
        • Trekking
        • Cycling
        • Climb stairs or elliptical
        • Swimming
        • Dancing
        • kick boxing
        • HIIT
        • Any cardio-based group fitness class

          Mitchell notes that “we are all individuals with unique metabolisms. This means that our bodies’ current caloric intake and rate of burning are unique to us.” They have to do with what you’ve been doing consistently with both diet and exercise before making the decision to reduce body fat, as well as your overall lifestyle and where you are in life. Mitchell adds that it’s important to listen to your body and take days off when necessary.

          Emily Shiffer is a former Digital Web Producer for Men’s Health and Prevention, and is currently a freelance writer specializing in health, weight loss and fitness.

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