Arnold Schwarzenegger Shared the Go-To Salad and Protein Shake He Eats Every Night

arnold schwarzenegger has adopted a largely plant-based diet in recent years, touting the benefits both on a personal health and fitness level and environmentally. And while he’s “not 100 percent vegan” and can still eat meat from time to time, the seven-time Mr. Olympia winner doesn’t subscribe to the idea that he needs to eat chicken or beef to see gains, or to be a man. .

“There is no one who can identify better than me because I have lived in that world.” Schwarzenegger said in the 2019 documentary the game changerswhich explores the rise of veganism in strength sports. “‘Steak is for men’… They show these commercials (burgers, George Foreman on the grill and an epic sandwich) this is great, great marketing for the meat industry, selling the idea that real men they eat meat. But you have to understand, it’s marketing. It’s not based on reality.”

In the latest edition of his NewsletterSchwarzenegger responded to a fan who asked him about some of his favorite plant-based foods and offered two tasty-sounding suggestions.

“Every night I eat a cucumber salad with pumpkin seed oil and a vegetable soup,” she wrote. “Pumpkin seed oil is big business in Styria, the Austrian state where I was born. And it’s delicious.”

He then explained that after a training session, he tends to stick to the same post-workout protein shake. Schwarzenegger shares the full shake recipe in the YouTube video below, blending together cherry juice, banana, Ladder’s Vanilla Flavored Plant-Based Whey Protein, and water. Then, on a few occasions, Schwarzenegger will add his own special ingredient: “A little schnapps, straight from Austria.”

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His claims that this helps protein get into your system faster remain unverified, but at least a shake of Schwarzenegger’s Schnapps sounds like a real treat after a hard workout.

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