Road in Blackpool closed as man suffered mental health crisis

A road in Blackpool was temporarily closed in both directions earlier today as police dealt with an incident involving a man who was going through a “mental health crisis”, police confirmed.

Dickson Road was closed in both directions between Pleasant Street and Derby Road and Blackpool Transport 3 diverted traffic across the Promenade while police dealt with the incident. Lancashire Police, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS), North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) and police negotiators attended.

Police received reports of a man “threatening to self-harm” in the area at 11:40am this morning (April 16). It is now understood that the man is receiving help.

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A Lancashire Police spokesman said: “We were called to a man who was having a mental health crisis. He was threatening to self-harm at that location.”

Dickson Road, Blackpool, was closed for “safety” of the public and a man who was struggling with a mental health crisis.
(Image: LancsLive/BplBible)

“The closure was done for the safety of the person and the public in the area. Ambulance, fire, police and police negotiators attended. He is currently inactive and receiving help for his mental health crisis.”

Dickson Road was reopened in both directions at 1 pm after the incident.

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