One simple exercise could help you lose post-Easter chocolate weight

Professional trainer Simon Waterson thinks a simple exercise could help you lose that post-Easter chocolate weight: squats. The fitness guru, who has put James Bond actors Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig to the test, appeared on This Morning to give some much-needed advice to anyone who has pampered themselves over the recent holidays.

While Holly Willoughby said a lot of people “don’t like lunges and squats,” expert Simon said the reason they’re so good is because they work some of our biggest muscles. Demonstrating how to squat, he said: “Everyone dreads leg day. For everyone in the gym it’s the worst day. But good friends don’t let you skip legs.”

“But the bottom line with squats is you don’t need any equipment and it’s easy. Your knees should be in line with your toes. You can lift your arms, squat to 90 degrees. And you go back to square one. And that’s it. .

Read more:Slimming World gives its seven ways to start losing weight

Simon demonstrating a squat
(Image: this morning)

Explaining why it’s such a great exercise for weight loss, he said, “You can vary your pace so you can go slow or fast and also add a little bit of variety. The reason squats are so good is that you’re exercising big muscles. You’re recruiting big leg muscles, core shoulders, and in turn in doing that, you need a lot of energy. You need to get that energy from somewhere. And hopefully, that energy source is fat. It explodes fat “.

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He advised that beginners should start with three sets of 10 to 15 squats every other day and then increase over time. When asked how many he would make Daniel Craig do when he was training to be Bond, Simon replied: “All the ones I told him to do.”

He added: “The great thing about the exercise is that it’s so simple: you can do it in the gym, you can do it at home, you can do it in the park. As long as you have the squat fundamentals, then it’s great to do. When you’re doing the hard part of the exercise , you should exhale as you go up. The exercise basically recruits every part of your body. Squats also reduce the chances of injuring your knees and ankles. you exercise, the movement strengthens the tendons, bones, and ligaments around the muscles of the legs. It takes some weight off your knees and ankles.”

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