We need a new approach to employee mental wellbeing – HR News

Joel Gujral, Founder and CEO of MYNDUP

It is becoming increasingly difficult for HR teams to successfully manage the mental wellbeing of employees, especially with hybrid working in full swing. Only half of UK employees describe their mental health as good, a 14% drop since the start of the pandemic.

Line managers no longer have as much face-to-face time to spot signs of stress, and as a result, 95% of employees feel their companies aren’t doing enough for those struggling with mental health. It is clear that we are facing a crisis of mental well-being.

Just as work patterns have evolved in the past two years, so has mental health. No one has had to deal with a global pandemic before. And new challenges in the workplace often seem to appear on a monthly basis: More than a third of companies are concerned about the quality of life for their employees as a result of rising costs of living.

Yet many HR teams are stuck in cumbersome mental wellness processes, struggling to overcome historical attitudes and relying on occupational health. Not only do these cost large sums of money, but they are not fit for purpose; for example, many do not take into account different accessibility needs.

To help employees deal with the wellness crisis, HR teams need to go further and take a new approach to employee mental wellness.

Never a ‘one size fits all’ approach

Standardized employee assistance programs or insurance do not take into account individual experiences or mental health issues – there will never be a single approach to mental wellness. Mental health affects people in many different ways.

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Instead, HR teams must invest in comprehensive support that offers proactive solutions and connects employees to a variety of quality initiatives. This means no confusing app downloads and no need for direct contact with management or HR teams when seeking support.

Offering integrated services in one place, such as therapy, counseling or mindfulness and life coaching, means employees can choose the best type of treatment for their needs, on their terms and in private. Not only does this increase confidence in helping employees seek help in the first place, it keeps employees engaged throughout the course of their treatment and allows the flexibility to drop in and out for support as needed.

It also gives HR teams the headroom they need to ensure they provide the best possible options for their workforce. Integrated systems free up time for HR teams to work with employees to address how mental health may affect them, rather than spending hours organizing activities that might not be relevant to the individual.

And it’s not just employee happiness that’s at risk if companies decide to implement outdated mental health initiatives. New deloitte research reveals that the cost of poor mental health rose to £56 billion in 2020-21, compared to £45 billion in 2019, a clear indicator for HR teams to update processes.

Happy workers make prosperous businesses

It’s clear that employee happiness has a positive impact on business performance, but the primary benefit of supporting employee mental health is improving the quality of their everyday lives. Therefore, it is in employers’ best interest to rethink and take a new approach to employee mental wellbeing.

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