Workplace cultures that affect the mental health: Expert shares insights

We spend a considerable part of our day in our work places. Therefore, it is also part of our identity. The work we do, the people we work with and the environment we find ourselves in also help shape the day for us. Workplaces and their environment also affect our mental health. When we are within a healthy work culture with a healthy work-life balance, we feel happier, more productive, and enthusiastic about our work. works. Vice versa happens when we are placed in a toxic work culture.

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Psychologist Nicole LePera addressed the topic of toxic workplaces and how impact the employee’s mental health by putting him in survival mode in his recent Instagram post. “Because they don’t teach us emotional skills or relationship skills, workplaces reflect the same unhealthy family dynamics, we repeat. Because we have outdated work models, employees are expected to function like robotic factory workers,” reads an excerpt from his post. Nicole goes on to list the work practices that harm the mental health of employees:

Urgency – A culture of chronic urgency is created when your employees are burdened with deadlines on a daily basis and a crisis situation underpins every day. This is the culture that makes employees behave like robots.

Unlimited – Employees are expected to be present and available 24 hours a day. A workplace that fails to respect its employees’ boundaries and work-life balance ends up being toxic and harmful to them.

Low wages – A low-wage job often pushes employees into side jobs that leave them with little or no time to relax or have time for themselves or their family.

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bosses – The people we work with also affect our mental health. When employees are forced to work under bosses who cannot control their own emotions and therefore end up expressing it in the form of yelling, rudeness, ridicule of employees, it takes a toll on their mental health.

without appreciation – A workplace that does not applaud the good work of its employees and treats them like robots also affects their mental health.

Micromanagement – Constantly overlooking and monitoring employees creates anxiety and hyper-vigilance in the workplace.

unhealthy competition – Painting employees against each other creates a culture of fear. “I believe we can rebuild dysfunctional workplaces. We just need more open conversation and education,” Nicole wrote.


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