This One Group Of People Holds The Key To Staying Young, Study Says — Eat This Not That

There is a secret key to staying young, but you have to start early, according to a recent study conducted by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Which is the secret to a young you? Well, it’s about consistently keeping your strong muscles. Doing it regularly throughout your life is the formula for staying young, reveals this new study. We’ve got the scoop, so keep reading to find out more, then check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong, Toned Arms in 2022, Says a Trainer.

couple stretching before training, demonstrating bad fitness habits

First of all, it is important to understand how critical your muscles are. You don’t need them just to look sharp and polished; muscles are necessary for you to survive. Your heart is a muscle; in fact, according to Michigan State University, it is the “strongest muscle” all over your body! Your muscles give you strength and allow you to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. Read on to find out why you really need to step up and give them the TLC they truly deserve. .

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man doing superman stretches to warm up for cardioman doing superman stretches to warm up for cardio

A recent study published in The Journal of Physiology found that keeping your muscles healthy by staying “recreational active” regularly throughout your life is the fountain of youth you may be looking for. You heard right: staying active consistently can protect your body from losing muscle mass and functionality that occurs naturally as you age.

This first-of-its-kind research examined nerve activity, stem cells, and muscles in men 68 years of age and older. The study found that those who have consistently lived physically active lives have healthier muscles as they age. When it comes to fatigue, your muscle has higher endurance compared to inactive people of all ages. Muscle from active individuals was found to have more muscle stem cells (satellite cells). Satellite cells preserve your nerves; they are needed to regenerate muscles along with growth throughout your life.

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Active individuals were found to engage in a number of consistent exercises throughout their lives, including cycling, racket/ball sports, swimming, resistance training, rowing, and/or running.

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Close-up elderly man tying sneaker in gymClose-up elderly man tying sneaker in gym

If you’re curious about staying young, here’s how the study unfolded. The researchers looked at 46 men with an average age of 73. The men were divided into three categories: 15 “sedentary elderly”, 15 “sedentary young” and 16 “elderly exercisers for life”. Each participant was asked to complete a heavy resistance exercise, including a knee extension while sitting in a power chair. During the task, the researchers took blood samples and muscle biopsies to look at their muscle function. They also measured the force each participant used during the test. The study found that the group of “elderly who exercised throughout their lives” outperformed young sedentary and older participants.

active senior man walking in the mountainsactive senior man walking in the mountains

Casper Soendenbroe, lead author of the study from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, explains: “This is the first human study to find that lifelong recreational exercise could delay some detrimental effects of [aging]. Using muscle tissue biopsies, we have found positive effects of exercise on general fitness [aging] Soendenbroe notes that previous research has been based primarily on professional athletes, which is such a small percentage of individuals. This research better represents a larger population age 60 and older, which is when most people can participate in “moderate level” activity.

“That’s why we wanted to explore the relationship between satellite cell content and muscle health in recreationally active people. We can now use this as a biomarker to further investigate the link between exercise, [aging] and muscle health,” Soendenbroe says, adding, “The biggest take-home message from this study is that even a little exercise seems to go a long way when it comes to protecting against age-related declines in muscle function. This is an encouraging finding that can hopefully stimulate more people to engage in an activity they enjoy. We still have a lot to learn about the mechanisms and interactions between nerves and muscles and how these change as we age. Our investigation takes us one step closer.”

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alexa mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Associate Editor for Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel, and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness, and personal care. read more

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