Pandemic, Ukraine conflict affecting mental health of millions, warns WHO

A senior official from the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have affected the of millions of people.

“A pandemic has shed unprecedented light on . An armed conflict is deeply affecting the of millions of people,” the Xinhua news agency quoted the WHO’s European regional director, Hans Kluge, as saying here.

More than two months of conflict in Ukraine have led to untold uncertainty, insecurity, pain and loss, said the official.

He added that the country’s health facilities suffered serious damage, leaving thousands of people without access to services.

Ukraine’s neighboring countries are also experiencing a significant increase in demand for health services, including mental health services, as a result of the massive influx of refugees, he said.

The UN body also expressed concern about the food crisis plaguing Ukraine and its neighboring countries.



(Only the headline and image in this report may have been modified by Business Standard staff; all other content is auto-generated from a syndicated source.)

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