Eliminate the problem of acidity by eating these tasty foods, you will get instant relief

Home Remedies For Acidity: If there is acidity all the time, then you eat chenna rasgulla or say white rasgulla in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure to extract its juice before eating, otherwise you will not get the full benefit. By doing this method every day, the problem of acidity goes away. It is very easy and enjoyable to adopt this recipe for people who have stomach irritation problem as soon as they wake up in the morning.

  • Eating gooseberry candy or gooseberry petha on an empty stomach in the morning also ends the problem of burning sensation in the stomach.
  • If the burning sensation is getting more, then you should keep a spoonful of amla powder soaked in a glass of water every day before sleeping at night and consume this water in the morning. Keep in mind that this water has to be drunk on an empty stomach.
  • If there is a problem of burning in the stomach or burning sensation on the chest after taking food, then you can take one-fourth spoonful of this powder without any problems. You will get relief in few minutes.
  • If it has been more than two hours after eating food and suddenly the problem of acidity has started, then you can take a glass of cold milk from the fridge and drink it. You will get instant relief.
  • If there is a problem of nausea along with burning sensation on the chest, then take 4 to 5 mint leaves and chew them with two pinches of black salt and then drink water from above. You will get instant relief.

This recipe of Ayurveda is very special

  • There is a very good and simple solution in Ayurveda, to get relief from heartburn and acidity. That is, if you are having a burning problem after eating any salty food, then you should eat a little something sweet. It would be better if you eat raisins in such a situation. But when there is a problem of burning on the chest after eating something sweet, then you should eat a little something salty. You will get immediate benefit from this.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

Read also: If you are troubled by chest irritation then definitely do these 3 things, this problem will not happen

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