Why ‘exercise snacking’ could extend your life by two years

Price thinks part of the reason is that exercise messaging has gotten too complicated. “I feel like the notion of ‘moderate exercise’ is misunderstood a bit, making it seem unattainable for some demographics,” he says. His goal is to simplify the messages and empower us all to start moving more.

When I tried one of their three 25-minute signature classes, the instructor walked me through a series of breathing and stretching exercises, based on behavioral neuromuscular principles to properly isolate, stabilize, and manipulate my muscles. Basically, he was teaching me the correct posture and correct breathing patterns to help me with the movements that I do every day.

It is crucial that we do it because doing nothing is deadly. According to government statistics, physical inactivity is associated with one in six deaths in the UK and is estimated to cost the UK £7.4bn a year. About one in three (34 percent) of men and one in two (42 percent) of women are not active enough for good health, and older people are less active. Exercise is a magic bullet. In the 2019 Physical Activity Guidelines report, the medical directors wrote: “If physical activity were medicine, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the myriad of diseases it can prevent and help treat.” .

But as well as adding years to our lives, Professor Mathew Wilson, from the Institute for Sport and Exercise Health and a Movementum expert, adds that exercise also allows us to live better lives. “The main consideration is to live longer with a better quality of life in our later years,” he says. “In recent years there has been a decrease in the number of years we live in a healthy state: we are living longer, but in worse health. This is a huge problem and something that increasing your physical activity levels can help to re-address so you can enjoy those extra years.”

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But developing regular exercise, especially for those who are not used to doing anything, requires a change in mindset. “Being able to sustain small changes in physical activity depends on both behavior and physical abilities,” says Dr. Heather McKee, a behavioral scientist and Movementum expert.

“The people who will be most effective at making behavior change and sustaining it over time will be those who are intrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation is defined as doing an activity for the joy and satisfaction it gives you.

So what counts as moderate to strenuous physical activity?

“Literally anything, as long as you’re moving with a purpose,” says Professor Wilson. “Don’t overthink it: gardening, walking, housework, it all counts, and it can all add up to physical activity when you look at your minutes.”

Making time for small daily movements like these, says Movementum specialist David Higgins, “will keep your joints flexible, promote good-quality muscle tissue, and even help your nervous system stay primed and responsive. All of this reduces injuries, promotes better strength gains, energy levels, and the ability to move more and more often.”

One of the most overlooked forms of exercise, often the most enjoyable, is simply walking with a friend. “Doing a regular, low-impact activity like this is very beneficial. If you can also catch up with a partner or friends, you’ll hold each other accountable and it becomes more personable,” says Higgins. “The most important thing with exercise when you’re trying to make it a habit is to have fun so you can continue to do it every day, or at least as often as you can.”

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Apps and kit to help add 10 minutes of movement to your day

start stretching

Whatever our activity level, most of us could be more flexible. This app teaches basic stretches in a short sequence, with charts and timers to help. Download on the app store.


The new Beats headphones are designed to be worn all day, but with a touch of a pod they can be made sweatproof if you need to get down and work out. £199.99; apple.com

dance fit

Cult gym Frame has a library of online videos under 15 minutes, including dance videos, all set to high-energy songs with sexy instructors. There’s even a “Fit in 5” video; moveyourframe.com

Lululemon Groove Pants

Black flared pants that wouldn’t look out of place at a gathering, but are designed for yoga. £88; lululemon.es

time to walk

Feel like you’re walking alongside guests like Stephen Fry, Dolly Parton, and Malala Yousafzai as they recount their life stories as they walk. Apple Watch and Apple Fitness+; apple.com

Tree Dasher Running Shoe

Allbirds, known for its modern casual footwear, has a line of award-winning running shoes made with eco-friendly materials. £125; allbirds.com


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