‘Do not approach’ teenager hands himself in after fleeing mental health facility

A teenager who fled from a secure mental health facility, prompting a police warning not to be approached by the public, has returned. Johnny Brady disappeared from downtown in Erdington on Wednesday, May 4.

The 18-year-old was ordered hospitalized after committing a serious assault in the Derby area in 2020. The public was asked not to approach him and to report any suspected sightings to them immediately.

West Midlands Police had released a new picture of him. But on Saturday, May 7, the force announced that he had returned to the unit and would be questioned about his disappearance.

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A statement read: “Johnny Brady, who absconded from a health facility in Birmingham earlier this week, has returned. He was released from the unit on Wednesday (May 4).

“He came back on his own. We will talk to Johnny to understand more about why he left the unit. We would like to thank everyone who has called in with sightings or information, it is greatly appreciated.”

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