7 Exercises to Strengthen Your Hamstrings (No Gym Required)

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Our hamstrings make up a large part of our legs, but most exercises engage our quads and glutes. That’s why it’s so important to add some hamstring-specific exercises to your exercise routine to build and maintain a healthy posterior chain.

Elasticity and collagen make up the main part of our skin, but also of our tendons and muscles. As we age, we begin to lose both, which increases the risk of injury. However, if you incorporate these seven amazing exercises into your routine, you can strengthen your hamstrings without even going to the gym.

Hamstring curl with an exercise ball

a large, inflatable exercise ball It may seem harmless, but it can challenge your hamstrings like nothing else. You’ll feel the burn after just a few reps.

To start, lie on your back on a mat or comfortable surface and bring the exercise ball close to your legs. Raise your legs and rest them on the ball so that your heels sink into it. Raise your hips to engage your abs as you push your arms into the ground for leverage.

Inhale and slowly extend your legs, moving the ball away from you. As you exhale, flex your hamstrings to bring the ball closer to your hamstrings. Try to keep your hips as high as possible. You should feel the isolation of your muscles and a fiery contraction in your hamstrings.

Repeat three times for 10-12 repetitions.

Slides and hamstring strike

Another exercise that looks incredibly easy, but is actually a killer, is the hamstring slide and strike.

To begin, lie on your back on a mat or similar surface and bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor. Place two sliders Beneath your heels, curl your toes toward your face, then lift your hips to brace.

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Inhale and push the sliders down, extending your legs. Exhale and curl your hamstrings toward your hamstrings, until the sliders return to their original position. Repeat three times for 10-12 reps. Once you have completed the slides, you can put them aside.

Then, keeping your hips up and your feet flexed, take four steps with your heels extending your legs and then four steps toward your hips. He repeat three times for 10-12 repetitions.

single leg glute bridges

As if glute bridges weren’t enough, this single leg variation will really test your strength. Start on your back and bend your knees, placing your feet next to your seat bones. Spread your feet hip-width apart, and then lift your hips as you drive your feet toward the ground.

Lift one leg up to engage your quads and point or flex your foot. Inhale and drop your hips until they are still an inch off the ground. Then exhale as you push up again. Imagine that you are trying to touch the ceiling with the sole of your foot.

Try to do 15-20 of these before repeating with the other leg.

Romanian deadlift

One of the OG exercises to strengthen the hamstrings is the Romanian deadlift. Be sure to control the movement and go as slow as necessary, but you should really feel your hamstrings extending and contracting.

you’ll need a dumbbell set, a kettlebell, or any other heavy object you have on hand. Pick up your dumbbells and, standing up straight with your feet parallel and hip-width apart, take a deep breath, then roll forward at your hips.

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Lower the weights down your extended (but not locked) legs toward the floor without touching it. You’ll feel your hamstrings extend as you allow the weight to pull you down, but respect your flexibility level and don’t overdo it.

Exhale as you pull the weight up through your hamstrings and squeeze your upper body. Keep your back straight at all times to avoid any strain or injury. Repeat three times for 12-15 repetitions.

Bulgarian split squats

Regular split squats are already doing a lot for your hamstrings, but if you really want to take it to the next level, try Bulgarian split squats. The difference is that your back leg will be elevated. You can perform them using only your body weight or grab a pair of dumbbells to challenge yourself even more.

If you prefer, hold on your weights and start standing with a bench or other elevated surface behind you. Keeping your feet hip-width apart, lift one leg behind you, bend at the knee, and rest your toes on the raised surface behind you. Activate your core muscles and make sure your hips stay square the entire time.

Inhale and bend your front knee, while trying to keep your thigh parallel to the floor. Exhale and come back to your feet. Do 10 to 12 reps, then switch legs.

Good morning with a resistance band

Good mornings are very similar to deadlifts, but work your posterior chain in a completely different way. In the gym, you’d strap a barbell to your back to perform this move, but when you’re working out at home or on the go, all you really need is a long barbell. resistance band.

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To start, place your resistance band under your feet and stretch it behind you, so it’s over your shoulder and you’re gripping it like a barbell. Spread your feet hip-width apart and inhale as you rotate your hips forward. Try to stay on your heels as much as possible.

Lower your upper body until it is parallel to the floor. Exhale as you lift your back up and squeeze at the top. Do 10-12 repetitions of three.

Airborne Bowing Thrust

The most difficult exercise for balance is the Airborne Curtsy Lunge. Actually, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a bow and a lunge. The “aerial” part is that you lift your back leg. This exercise really works your front leg, as you put literally all your weight on your glute and hamstring.

You can perform this exercise without any equipment, or you can add dumbbells, kettlebells, or resistance bands if you want more of a challenge.

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. She raises one leg and bends it at the knee. Pretend to bow, but stop just before your foot hits the ground behind you. She exhales and comes back to standing with a squeeze at the top. You can also finish by lifting your knee and bringing it closer to your chest.

Repeat 12-15 times before switching to the other leg.

The hamstrings are often neglected during workouts in favor of other leg and rear muscles. But these seven exercises will ensure those hammies get stronger too. Add these moves and these impressive lunges to your leg day for a complete routine.

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