These diseases can surround the body due to high blood pressure, recognize the symptoms

High Blood Pressure Risks: Staying high BP is a common problem in today’s time. In most people, this problem takes hold between the age of 35 to 40 years. However, due to the increasing work pressure and other social pressures, now young people are also falling prey to this disease. High BP is not only harmful for the health of the heart, but if it is not controlled on time, then it can also become the cause of other diseases in the body. In this article, you are being told about the risk factors of high BP.

so bp is right
Normally the BP of a healthy person is 120/60. But in today’s time the tension has started to remain high, so the doctors are also keeping the BP of 130/70 in the category of normal. In this the BP is called systolic and the lower BP is called distolic. Now the question may come in your mind that how blood pressure is determined. So when your heart pumps blood with a force, then this blood goes to the arteries and then with a certain force it goes to the blood vessels i.e. in the blood vessels. That’s what determines your blood pressure. When BP systolic starts staying above 140 then it is considered dangerous.

diseases caused by high bp

  • People whose BP remains high, their risk of heart attack increases manifold. This happens because due to high BP, the arteries constrict and the heart has to apply more pressure to pump blood.
  • Due to high blood pressure, the blood reaching the kidney is not able to filter, due to which waste starts accumulating in the kidney and it causes kidney failure. Problems in blood purification occur because the arteries and vessels leading to the kidneys get damaged due to high BP.
  • People whose BP remains high, the risk of brain hemorrhage increases by 50 percent compared to other people.
  • Due to high BP, the brain does not get the right amount of oxygen, due to which there may be a problem of brain stroke.
  • Staying high BP also affects memory. People who have high BP problem for a long time, their chances of falling prey to dementia ie amnesia increases manifold.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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