‘It is like a war’: For every Australian with an eating disorder, there is a family fighting the mental illness

Melbourne mother Sarah has been supporting her 18-year-old daughter’s recovery from anorexia nervosa for the past seven years, with the help of Sarah’s father Glenn.

Caring for Elise is a 24/7 job: Sarah constantly monitors her daughter, making sure she eats six meals a day, isn’t secretly exercising in her room or going for a run the night.

There are times when Elise is so distraught that she needs to be physically restrained to protect her from hurting herself.

“It’s like a war,” Sarah said.

Elise’s eating disorder began when she was 12 years old, in the midst of transitioning from elementary to high school.

During the pandemic, Elise’s eating disorder symptoms intensified.

Sarah believes the sudden lack of routine and increased time online exacerbated her daughter’s condition.

Elizabeth is not alone.

COVID Causes Rise in Eating Disorders

a recent study at The Lancet found that COVID-19 has increased the prevalence of eating disorders worldwide by up to 15.3 percent in 2020, compared to previous years.

From 2021 to 2022 Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) experienced a 300 percent increase in demand for its services.

EDV worker Gemma De Leo said more than a million Australians are affected by eating disorders each year, but only a quarter of those people access treatment.

“The pandemic has had a huge impact on people with eating disorders, whether it’s with a new diagnosis, new presentations, people who are recovering, their symptoms have gotten worse, or people who have recovered and relapsed due to the pandemic.” she said.

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The increase in cases could have fatal consequences: eating disorders have the higher mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder.

The mental health system needs to ‘rebuild’

On Wednesday, the Victorian Government announced a $20 million package to help Victorians with eating disorders, including an additional 15 mental health beds and four multidisciplinary mental health teams in the Victoria region.

There is also funding to develop a new statewide eating disorder strategy, so Victoria has a more coordinated response to support people living with eating disorders, as well as their carers, families and supporters, in the future.

“We need to rebuild our mental health system from the ground up, but also deal with the long tail that is going to come out of this pandemic,” said Victoria’s Minister for Mental Health, James Merlino.


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