Benefits of consuming buttermilk and jaggery together, these benefits are available in summer

Jaggery With Chaach: Eating jaggery is very beneficial for health. Although the taste of jaggery is hot, so it is consumed more in the winter season. But in the summer season, consuming jaggery with buttermilk provides nourishment to the body. Reduces the chances of getting heat stroke. At what time should jaggery and buttermilk be consumed together and in what quantity, know about its benefits here.

benefits of jaggery and buttermilk

  • Jaggery and buttermilk are still consumed in the afternoon snack time in the village lifestyle. The weakness of the body is removed by the consumption of jaggery and buttermilk.
  • The problem of anemia is removed and it helps in increasing the amount of hemoglobin.
  • The body remains hydrated and there is no problem of dizziness, heatstroke, nausea due to lack of water in the summer season.
  • Consumption of jaggery with buttermilk keeps the stomach clean. There is no problem of constipation, indigestion, gas etc.

At what time to consume buttermilk and jaggery?

Buttermilk and jaggery can be consumed twice a day, these times are the time between breakfast and lunch. That is, at around 11.30 pm, you should consume buttermilk and jaggery. Or, you can consume them in the summer season around 3.30 or 4 pm between lunch and dinner. However, you can consume buttermilk and jaggery even before going in the sun.

How much to consume?

You can consume a glass of buttermilk with jaggery every day. However, if you want, you can consume buttermilk in both the times of the day that have been told to drink buttermilk. However, after drinking buttermilk, you may feel lethargic for some time. But it is only a matter of time. If you want to drink buttermilk in the evening, then you should always drink buttermilk tempered with cumin and asafetida, do not consume it with jaggery.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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