Woman left embarrassed as she suffers ‘accidental orgasms’ while working out

A woman has opened up about her “accidental orgasms” in a bid to raise awareness about them.

The writer, known as Brianne Hogan, is embarrassed to climax when she least expects it.

In a personal essay for scary mommytalked about “accidental orgasms” where she’s not in the throes of passion.

She explained: “I have a confession to make.

“Sometimes while doing yoga, and usually when I’m in frog pose, I have what’s known as an accidental orgasm.”

But Brianne isn’t the only one suffering from unexpected orgasms as she hopes to address the stigma surrounding them.

She experiences accidental orgasms
(Image: Getty Images/Tetra RF Images)

In 2018, the International Journal of Sexual Health published a study on the phenomenon.

He found that orgasms were triggered by everything from exercise to childbirth.

Speaking about why this happens, sexologist Jess O’Reilly said: “Some people have accidental orgasms while pleasuring their partner.

“Some people have orgasms while exercising, spinning, doing pilates or yoga, or riding a bike or motorcycle.”

She added: “This can be related to rubbing, grinding and squeezing, which stimulates the clitoris. But we are all different.”

However, having an accidental orgasm is nothing to be ashamed of.

In fact, the expert said it happens to women who are high on the sexual arousal scale.

She revealed, “If you tend to be present in your body, open to pleasure, you’re also more likely to have them.”

Woman exercising at home
Orgasms during exercise are common.
(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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And the expert explained how women can also have an orgasm in their sleep, but often fall asleep.

But spontaneous accidental orgasms could be a symptom of persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD).

Jess said: “Symptoms of this disorder run the gamut from mild ongoing arousal to extreme, constant, unprovoked orgasmic sensations.

“Although orgasm can offer temporary relief from this persistent and unwanted arousal, some women report feelings of excitement back almost immediately, and this condition can be extremely distressing”.

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