Opinion: Supporting Youth Mental Health is everyone’s business – ET HealthWorld

By Dr Jitender Jakhar

Although the age of onset of different mental illnesses varies greatly, it has been observed that most of them start in youth, adolescents and early adulthood.

Adolescence it is a crucial phase for the development of social, cognitive, and emotional well-being in the growing Brian. These people are highly vulnerable to the changing daily demands of their lives. Once the distress increases in severity, it becomes very demanding on your studies, relationships, and work. Therefore, it is very prudent to target this group of people for the improvement of their mental health.

The world is changing at a very fast pace. In a country like India, the competition to prosper in academics or at work gradually increases for various reasons. The carefree attitude of teens and young adults is almost lost today due to the built-up pressure to complete assignments at school or work, the urge to get above 95 percent on exams, and the desire to befriend a friend. large number of people in the world. virtual media, the inability to vent any negative feelings due to lack of close contact or lack of time to pursue any hobby.

Other factors such as changing schools or jobs, entering college, leaving home, getting married, starting a new career or business, and responsibility as a new parent are some of the other contributing factors that are critical to creating confusion in the people’s mental balance. Poverty, unemployment, social disharmony, and natural calamities like COVID further contribute to the burden of mental illness.

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The usual mental disorders that affect young people are depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, adjustment disorders and eating disorders. Serious mental disorders that affect young people are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The incidence of illicit substance use is also increasing. The numbers of completed suicides and suicide attempts are also alarming in this age group of people.

Good mental health will allow them to face the different challenges of life in a healthy and adaptable way. Let’s go ahead and promise that we will not ignore or stigmatize people with mental illness. If we come across a person with distress or abnormal behavior, we should do everything we can to get that person to the nearest mental health care facility.

Simultaneously, the authorities of the different institutions must be taught ways to increase the mental resilience of their wards. The government must advance in investing much more in mental health and must involve the social, health and education sectors to support the vulnerable population.

By Dr. Jitender Jakhar Consultant Psychiatrist, Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.

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