Eggs also expire, check the freshness of eggs like this

How To Check The Egg: Foods made from eggs are very much liked among those who eat eggs, in breakfast and snacks. But few people know that the egg is also bad. Yes, after a while the egg also expires. Now the question comes that if there is no expiry date written on it, then how to identify whether the egg is edible or not. So for this identification we are telling you an easy test here…

  • a glass glass
  • Water
  • egg

How to identify fresh eggs

  • You fill water in a glass tumbler and put a whole egg in it. If the egg floats on the water, then understand that it is spoiled and it should not be used for food.
  • If the egg remains standing after standing upright in water, then understand that it is old but it can be used for food.
  • But if the egg sits completely in the water, then understand that the egg is completely fresh and you can eat it by making delicious dishes of your choice. It will give complete nutrition.

These problems are caused by eating spoiled eggs

If you like to eat eggs outside, then in this situation you are not able to know what kind of eggs have been used in the omelet, egg roll or other dish made from egg. In such a situation, from 24 hours to the next 3 to 4 days, your health may deteriorate. These symptoms appear in the body after eating a spoiled egg.

  • severe stomach pain
  • Cramps can also occur with abdominal pain.
  • Nausea
  • vomiting and diarrhea
  • Diarrhea and high fever

method of treatment
Due to any such doubt, you should not delay and when such symptoms start appearing then you should contact the doctor. So that the disease can be prevented from progressing.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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