U.K. Film and TV Charity Launches Mental Health Survey, Fundraising Campaign

The United Kingdom Film and television charity has released the 2022 iteration of its landmark mental health Looking Glass survey, along with a fundraising campaign.

The first Looking Glass Survey in 2019 found that there was a behind-the-scenes mental health emergency in film, television and film, with 9 out of 10 respondents saying they had experienced a mental health problem. Following the survey, The Film and TV Charity launched a Bullying Advice Service, a Self-Employed Wellbeing Center and a number of practical tools and resources, all available through the charity’s website.

The 2021 survey focused on how industry workers were responding to the challenges presented by the pandemic and found that only one in 10 people agreed that industry was a mentally healthy place to work. However, there were also signs of a turnaround, as respondents recognized that conversations around mental health, culture and working conditions were beginning to take root.

The charity launched more interventions, including your complete imaging toolseta free online resource that gives UK productions a framework for creating a mentally healthy workplace.

Alex Pumfrey, CEO of The Film and TV Charity, said: “We hope that everyone from all corners of the industry will complete this third Looking Glass survey. The data it returns is crucial in helping us, and the industry at large, understand how we need to improve the ways of working and the support that people need. Much progress has been made, but we also know that much remains to be done. Additionally, donating to support us in providing those services is an act of community and generosity that we know all of our beneficiaries are incredibly grateful for.”

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“We are asking all film, television and film actors to take up this challenge by sharing the survey with their colleagues; tell us how you feel and what you need,” added Pumfrey. “And while we fully understand that many are feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis right now, donations from those who can help can make a world of difference to so many working behind the scenes.”

All donations made by individuals and organizations in the industry will help ensure that the charity can continue to provide support to people working in film, television and film.

The survey can be completed here and donations can be made here.

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