How to motivate yourself to exercise

How do I start?

Better weather, brighter nights: Guilt over not exercising and watching TV can peak this time of year. Many of us know we should be exercising more, but can’t seem to get motivated to do so.

“Many people are motivated to change but can’t seem to bridge the gap between their intention and actual realization,” says Suzanne McDonough, professor of health and rehabilitation at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI). The first step is to have a good idea of ​​what you want to get out of exercise, she says. “Do you want to be fitter for your holidays, do you want to be able to play with your children?”

Someone telling you to do something is not going to motivate you to do it. “Be aware that you have a problem, recognize that you want to change it, and think about what will happen if you don’t change it,” she says. “Some people will be motivated by their health, but what probably motivates people is having fun and connecting with people socially.”

How do I make it fun?

Getting up from the couch is hard. To motivate yourself to exercise, make it about something else. “For some people it’s about meeting others and for others it’s about having some head space and being alone,” says McDonough. Make a date to walk with a friend, or go solo and listen to your favorite podcast while strolling through town or the park.

But is walking enough?

Yes it is. If he’s interested in his heart health, the speed at which he walks is probably very important, says McDonough. “Studies show that if you take a person’s favorite music and speed it up, it encourages them to walk faster. There are soundtracks that you can download to encourage you to walk at a certain speed.” Walking can also help lower back pain. “It’s as effective as going to physical therapy practice, we did a test with that,” says McDonough.

measure it

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Incremental gains can be motivating. A sense of progress can add momentum. “One of the most powerful things you can do is measure what you’re doing,” says McDonough. His phone, a wearable device, or even a really cheap pedometer will do the trick. “Keep a little diary and write down your steps every day, that can really help,” she says. Just don’t increase too quickly. “The mistake a lot of people make is they try to do too much too soon and have all kinds of aches and pains and then stop. Measure where you are, build a slow and steady increase in your steps, and monitor yourself as the weeks go on.”

But I’m too tired today

You will be too tired many days, anticipate that. Make exercise as easy on yourself as possible, says McDonough. “If fatigue is going to be a problem at night, maybe don’t wait until evening to do your walk. Put it on your way to work or at lunch, don’t leave it for the night”. If evening time is your only schedule, just walk out the door. “Tell yourself, ‘I’m just going out for 10 minutes.’ Leave your slippers by the door. Arrange to meet a friend. It’s just about trying to get out the door. Once you’re out, you’re usually fine.”

wait for the reward

A release of happy chemicals, a better mood and better sleep are all happy byproducts of exercise, says McDonough. “There’s some really good research on walking before noon: Getting out in the sunlight resets your circadian rhythm, and you’ll actually sleep better,” she says. If you fall off the wagon for a week, get back on. She “Call a friend and say, ‘I’ve had a bad week, I really need to get back out there, can I meet you for a walk?’”

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