Eccentric Exercises for Hamstring Strength and Flexibility | Well+Good

Tthe hamstring muscles they are involved in basically every upright activity we do as humans, from walking and running to just standing. Therefore, it is essential to keep them healthy by constantly working on hamstring mobility and flexibility. Y building your strength and endurance.

But who has time for all that? Fortunately, there is a way to stretch and strengthen your hamstrings at the same time and very effectively.

The key is something called “eccentric training.” there are substantial evidence showing that eccentric training improves both flexibility, as measured by joint range of motion or actual muscle length, and strength. It is an issue that has been studied for yearsand it still being developed.

“Eccentrics refer to the part of a movement where a muscle lengthens under load,” says Brian Kinslow, DPT, owner of Evolve Flagpole. For example, it’s the part of a bicep curl when you’re lowering the weight back to the starting position, she says. “The biceps muscles contract as they lengthen to control that movement.”

This eccentric component is a key part of functional movement, particularly during running. “The hamstrings contract eccentrically to slow the leg as it moves forward in front of the torso,” says Dr. Kinslow. This is when the hamstrings act as brakes to slow down the leg, and when the greatest amount of stress is placed on the muscle group. So preparing for this moment through eccentric training can keep your hamstrings healthy and injury-free.

How does eccentric training compare to static stretching?

When we want to increase our flexibility, most of us simply get into a position that lengthens the muscle and then hold it. This is called static stretching. There is no active contraction in the muscle, it is a passive hold. But think about your daily life: holding a pose in such a way rarely happens during actual day-to-day movements and functions.

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That may help explain why Static stretching has not been found to reduce injury or risk of injury. By comparison, eccentric hamstring training is considered the gold standard to reduce hamstring injuries, reducing your risk as much as 65 percent!

“Eccentrics have also been shown in some studies to promote robust remodeling, or healing, of injured muscles or tendons,” adds Dr. Kinslow. “This makes them a key part of the complete rehabilitation of an injured hamstring.”

Why athletes trust him

Although eccentric hamstring training is becoming more prevalent in the general population today, it has been a staple of athletic and sports training programs for many years, according to Gerry DeFilippoproprietary sports performance and strength coach challenger strength in Wayne, New Jersey.

“There are three different lenses through which you can view eccentric training,” he says. The first: “Slow, focused sets can increase total time under tension, leading to hypertrophy (increased muscle size).” The second: “Dynamic motor control enhances movement through a full range of motion.” And finally, eccentric training increases stability “by improving the body’s ability to handle the forces placed on it.”

In other words, eccentric training increases the size of the muscles, since the muscles work for a longer time during the exercise, it improves the control of the movement because it works through a greater range of motion, Y it encourages stability because you get stronger overall, all at the same time!

How to incorporate eccentric hamstring training into your workouts

Like any other exercise, eccentric hamstring training should be methodical and progressive, starting with lower intensity training and progressing to higher intensity as you can tolerate it.

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With that in mind, this three-tier plan climbs the ladder safely and effectively. Within each exercise, don’t progress to the next level until you can complete three sets of 10 repetitions comfortably and without pain.

1. Beginner: Hamstring Sliders

Lying on your back with your knees bent, this exercise works your hamstrings as you slide your heels out and away from your body, then back in. (If you don’t have gliders, you can use paper plates or wear socks.)

Given that this might be your first introduction to eccentric hamstring training and the increased demand it places on the muscle group, it’s wise to be methodical. Therefore, there are six progressions you can follow to slowly progress through the movement.

  1. With your butt on the ground, both feet simultaneously slide out and back.
  2. With your butt down, one foot slides out and back. After 10 repetitions, repeat with the other leg.
  3. With your butt in the air, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, both feet slide out. Then lower your butt so your feet slide back to the starting position.
  4. With your butt up, one foot slides out. Then lower your butt to slide it back to the starting position. Repeat on the other leg.
  5. With your butt up, both feet slide out, then return to the starting position.
  6. With your butt up, one foot slides out and back to the starting position for 10 reps. Repeat on the other leg.

2. Intermediate: Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift

This classic strength-training move lowers a barbell to the floor by bending at the hips with a flat back and slightly bent knees, while keeping the barbell close to the shins. Take five seconds for a controlled descent (bar going down) and then do a quick ascent (bar going down).

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There are three progressions for this exercise:

  1. Use the bar without weights.
  2. Add five-pound dumbbells to each side of the bar.
  3. Adding more weight in five-pound increments, progress to 25 pounds on each side.

3. Advanced: Nordic Hamstring Curl

On your knees with your calves wedged under something stable (the video below uses a Smith machine, but the same can be accomplished with a freestanding barbell loaded with 45 pounds on each side), extend your knees to lower your body toward the grounder. Catch yourself with your hands and push yourself back to the starting position.

There are three progressions here as well:

  1. Take three seconds to lower yourself to the ground.
  2. It takes five seconds to descend to the ground.
  3. Take as much time as possible to get down to the floor (as long as it’s longer than five seconds, of course).

Once you’re able to complete the final progression, keeping it a regular part of your maintenance routine is a great way to keep up and build on all the progress you’ve made. Your hamstrings, your body and your movement will thank you!

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