The Rock Shared How He Gets a Massive Arm Day Pump

Dwayne The Rock Johnson frequently refers to his aspiration to be the “the hardest worker in the room”, and in a new post on her Instagram story, she explained a bit about how her training plays into that.

The actor, producer and entrepreneur uploaded a video of himself performing a series of barbell push-ups as part of his daily arm routine during a Monday night workout at his iron paradiseand explained that pushing yourself to the point of physical discomfort and beyond helps you build “momentum” for the week ahead.

“I pushed (and pulled) hard tonight after a long day and was very tired, but had to set the tone for the work week with a good push,” Johnson wrote in the caption. “Living in that ‘awkward zone’ is always a good place to be, for whatever business or industry you’re in or whatever goal you need to accomplish. Set your tone with a strong intention and have a productive week, my friends.”

Johnson is using an EZ bar here, which allows him to target his biceps. The EZ bar is a popular lifting option, as it provides several different grip options, as Johnson demonstrates in the video when he changes his grip towards the end of the session, moving it inward so that the stimulus of the exercise is at its peak. . This essentially counts as a dropset, allowing Johnson to do a handful of extra reps and get the most out of the workout.

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