Headspace onboards social entrepreneur and mental health activist Neerja Birla

Head spaceA world leader in mindfulness and meditation, announced the addition of Neerja Birla, founder and president of Mpower, an initiative of the Aditya Birla Education Trust that focuses on mental health, well-being and mindfulness, to its international advisory board.

According to a press release, this development is in line with Headspace’s ongoing effort to create a strong ecosystem of global industry leaders and professionals in their respective fields, to further its global mission of transforming the way healthcare is delivered. mind for all populations.

Times Bridge, the global investment and venture division of The Times Group, announced its investment in Headspace in 2020 and has led the launch of Headspace in India.

Since entering India, which coincided with the start of the pandemic, Headspace’s membership base in the country has grown by more than 50 percent.

Headspace’s International Advisory Board is responsible for promoting intellectual awareness of key mental health issues and trends and also advising Headspace on emerging mental health trends around the world. The Headspace IAB is comprised of renowned industry leaders including Dr. Reena Kotecha, MD, founder of Mindful Medics; Patrick Watt, Commercial Director, Bupa Global; Dr. Hiba Sher Khan, ObGyn and Associate CCIO; Dr. Lydia Brown, clinical psychologist, resilience researcher, and mindfulness teacher; among others.

Normalizing Conversations About Mental Health

As the first Indian representative on the board, Neerja Birla will bring her expertise in de-stigmatizing mental health across the vast landscape of India and her domain expertise will be crucial in supporting Headspace’s mission in India.

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Simon Blake OBE, Chairman of the International Advisory Board, Headspace, said: “We are in a continual search for leaders with diverse backgrounds, business enthusiasm and operational experience who can come together and help us advance the conversation around mental health care. Constantly working to improve our understanding of mental health in India and staying informed on the latest trends is of paramount importance to the board and to Headspace. Neerja Birla has worked tirelessly to campaign for more awareness and better support in the country, and we are simply delighted to welcome her and her extensive experience into the conversation.”

Neerja Birla said: “I am delighted to be part of your International Advisory Council at a time when mental health is becoming part of mainstream conversations, globally and in India. Our experience working closely in the mental health space allows us to understand human and cultural barriers to open up to mental health issues and offer tailored solutions.

“Our effort is to ensure the normalization of conversations about mental health and to end the stigma associated with them. A perfect synergy, the collaboration will provide broad access to expertly verified mental health care resources, which will have a positive impact on the lives of people who cross geographical boundaries.”

Headspace’s mission is to make mindfulness available to everyone, everywhere, and to play a role in improving the world’s mental well-being and happiness quotient.

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