4 Sugar Myths It’s Time To Stop Believing, Says an RD | Well+Good

TThese days it often feels like sugar is public enemy number one in the world of health and wellness. And while we’d never suggest that sugar itself is a nutrient-dense ingredient, it’s been linked to a multitude of negative health outcomesafter all, the amount of fear that surrounds it naturally creates quite a bit of confusion and misinformation. Berries are bad because they are loaded with sugar, right? But agave is healthy because it has a lower glycemic index than table sugar, right? And are gummy worms made with sugar alcohols basically a health food?

(Roll eyes.)

Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, says the demonization of sugar (and the many sugar myths that come with it) is nothing new, but we’re seeing it on a larger scale today because of social media. She explains that as the fat-free diet craze swept through the ’90s, companies needed to find ways to make their products taste better, because seriously, who wants to eat a fat-free cookie? “As a result, sugar was often used instead of butter or oil to enhance the flavor of packaged foods without adding any grams of fat,” Cassetty says. “Unfortunately, after five to 10 years of eating everything low-fat and increasing sugar intake, research began to show that this type of eating pattern can lead to a host of serious health problems.” Some of these negative health outcomes, according to Cassetty, include increased inflammation, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes, and more.

“Since then, we’ve seen a lot of research highlighting the fact that the types of fat you eat are important and can actually be super nutritious; just think how important extra virgin olive oil is to the Mediterranean diet,” says Cassetty. “We also started to focus on all the sneaky sources of sugar in our diets. In fact, the Nutrition Facts label was recently updated to reflect the amount of added sugars present on food labels, and suddenly you could see added sugars in everything. Think of soups, ketchup, breads, and even foods that we often crown with a halo of health, like oat milk.”

This placement of added sugar content that went into effect in 2020 sent a new wave of sugar haters comparing bananas to donuts and promoting low-sugar, low-carb diets. While Cassetty says that we should stick to the US Dietary Guidelines suggesting that women consume less than six teaspoons (25 grams) and men less than nine teaspoons (36 grams) per day, it is important to develop a complete understanding of sugar to make sound decisions about sugar intake while feeling empowered to forever Enjoy eating without guilt. Remember: an ingredient should never be considered “good” or “bad”, it’s just food. Here, we ask Cassetty to bust some popular sugar myths to help you do just that.

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Myth #1: Fruit contains sugar, which means it should be eaten in moderation.

“I cannot stress enough that there is a tremendous difference between natural sugars and added sugarsCassette says. “The sugar in fruit is provided by nature and comes packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Then when you think about how eight out of 10 Americans don’t eat enough fruit, this myth is so bad because so many people are missing out on so many beneficial nutrients.”

Cassetty says that all fruits are delicious and nutrient-dense. Your personal favorite of hers? “I absolutely love Zespri Sungold Kiwis. This fruit is delicious and sweet and satisfies 100 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement in just one serving.” strong immune system.

Cassetty also says that watermelon gets a bad rap in some toxic diet culture circles due to its position on the glycemic index, but he says that it is 90 percent water, which contributes to the proper hydration needed to maintain good blood glucose levels. energy and concentration. “It also contains a unique compound called L-citrulline, which has been linked to reduced muscle soreness after training,” says Cassetty. Really, the list goes on and on for each type of fruit, yes, even the other “high-sugar” ones like grapes and bananas. “I’m very pro-fruit and never worry about eating it,” Cassetty says. “I always add that carbs are team players and I love pairing toasted nuts with fruit. You get all this vitamin C and fiber from the fruit, plus a few grams of protein and fiber, plus magnesium and plant-based omega-3 ALA from the nuts.”

Myth #2: Artificial sweeteners are a better substitute for the real thing

Since artificial sweeteners like Splenda and aspartame are relatively new to the food science and culinary landscape, it has taken a while for research to catch up. While the Nutrition Facts label may make a sugar-free diet soda or packaged dessert seem like the healthier choice, Cassetty says she’s not so sure. “I tend to avoid artificial sweeteners most of the time, including the stuff in pink, yellow, and blue packets often found in diet drinks,” she says. “They eliminated added sugar at the time, but over time, studies have suggested that can actually undermine your body’s insulin response which can lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.”

Cassetty says that while these beverages have been touted to help control blood sugar and overall health, emerging research shows they may do the opposite. She points out that most of the research being done is epidemiological, meaning the links show correlation rather than causation, adding that there are so many studies pointing in the same direction at this point that the links are probably true. . While Cassetty says that for some, opting for one diet drink a day for a period might be helpful if you’re trying to stop drinking soda and typically consume multiple servings a day, you’re better off avoiding artificial sugars altogether. Plus, there’s so much more satisfaction to be found in a favorite dessert made with real sugar, right?

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Myth #3: Natural sugars found in foods like honey and maple syrup don’t count toward your total sugar intake

Without a doubt, this is one of the biggest sugar myths: there is a lot of confusion surrounding natural sweeteners beyond fruit. Maple syrup, honey and, more recently, date syrup have been promoted as “healthy alternatives” to refined sugar. Cassetty says these types of sweeteners are the ones she personally reaches for most often when she’s making her morning cup of joe or kicking her oatmeal, as they’re healthier a some degree due to the content of antioxidants and the presence of bioactive substances. However, according to Cassetty, these sweeteners still count toward your daily added sugar intake and should be consumed in moderation.

“I pay more attention to the general ingredients on a food label than where the source of the sugar comes from,” Cassetty says. “I’m looking to see if it’s made primarily from whole foods and what the number of added sugars is.” She says that a great example of this is That’s fruit bars. Although the sugar content may seem high, they are made without any added sugar. additional sugars and the only ingredient is fruit, so they’re a great option for an on-the-go snack that won’t count toward your sugar intake. However, a packaged cookie, yes, even if it’s vegan and/or gluten-free, will count toward your added sugar intake if sugar, maple syrup, honey, or any other type of sweetener is present.

Cassetty also mentions that people often forget about a very common natural sugar: lactose, which is found in all dairy products. (And like the natural sugar found in fruit, lactose is not linked to the negative health outcomes of added sugar.) However, she says that flavored yogurts can what’s more be one of the biggest offenders in terms of added sugars, so be sure to check the label for products that are low in added sugars. His favorite brand is by Siggi because he says that it is the only conventional yogurt brand that he knows of that has a range of options in which the intake of added sugars is controlled. There should only be a few extra grams on top of the lactose, so beware of labels that have as much or more sugar than a scoop of ice cream.

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Myth #4: Eating anything with sugar will make my blood sugar go up like a roller coaster

Is not true. “First of all, blood sugar responses vary from person to person,” Cassetty says. “Regardless of your body’s personal response, I will say again that carbohydrates are team players. Whether it’s oatmeal or a piece of fruit, simply combining it with other whole foods, particularly those that contain protein, fat, and/or fiber, is a great strategy if you’re trying to control your blood sugar.”

How to control your sugar intake without becoming obsessive

If you haven’t been told by a healthcare professional to be concerned about your blood sugar, but you still think you may be exceeding the daily added sugar recommendation most of the time, Cassetty believes in a simple (but personalized) approach. ) for sugar control. . “My work is very customer-centric, so people can decide for themselves how much sugar they want to consume. That said, excessive sugar consumption can be linked to everything from mental health conditions to stomach pain,” says Cassetty. “I like to suggest a stepwise approach where people think about the foods they eat most often that contribute to excess intake. These are typically sugary drinks like sodas, iced teas, or fancy coffees, as well as flavored desserts, granola bars, cereals, and yogurts.”

From there, Cassetty suggests replacements for some of these foods, like replacing your fruit gummy habit with a serving of no-sugar-added dried fruit a few days a week to give it that sweetness and texture without added sugar, or mixing the 75 per percent of your favorite sugary cereal with 25 percent no sugar added cereal until you can get to a 50-50 ratio or even less. She says your taste buds are capable of adjusting, and taking a gradual approach can help make managing added sugars a much less daunting task.

“Also, remember that your health is never about one thing,” Cassetty says. “It’s never just about the sugar. Eating balanced meals at routine times to maintain energy and prevent early hunger is essential, as is listening to hunger and fullness cues to be present throughout the meal. Also, it’s about getting moving, assessing your sleep, and practicing stress management because it’s going to be very difficult to control your sugar intake if you’re not sleeping well or don’t have the tools to deal with stress.” Talk about words for to live.

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