Liverpool fitness coach launches free ‘menopause cafe’

A Liverpool health and fitness coach has expanded her business by launching a free menopause coffee.

Based out of Olives Cafe on Moss Lane, Huyton-born Juanita Steel’s new venture allows women to meet like-minded people to “socialize, download, seek advice and lift each other up” over a cup of coffee and a bite.

Juanita runs Steel Fitcamps where she has helped thousands of local women achieve their health and fitness goals. She hopes her new menopause cafe will help women realize they’re not alone and give them a safe space.

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Speaking to ECHO, Juanita said, “I went through surgical menopause five years ago and there was nothing like this available for women to openly talk to other women. There was a huge educational and support gap for women to take advantage of.

“You can expect a community of like-minded women, all on a similar journey. Women will learn about all topics relevant to menopause and there will be a different discussion led by me each week covering what happens to us during menopause including symptoms, hormones, nutrition, lifestyle, workplace , relationships and much more. plus.

Free menopause coffee is held at Olives Cafe on Moss Lane.
(Image: Juanita Acero)

“The women will get free snacks and in the weeks that a holistic therapist comes, the women can have a mini treatment for free. I hope that those who attend leave feeling supported, listened to and loved. I want every woman to gain confidence, self-esteem and a voice so that she no longer suffers in silence. I want her to know that she is not alone and that we are there to support her.”

Juanita, who has recently launched an interactive ebook on menopause ‘ The menopause makeover ‘, opened the menopause cafe on June 9. She continued: “The response has been incredible. I have had messages from women from Glasgow, Glossop, Yorkshire and all over Merseyside saying they would love to live here. Who knows, we may have to hit the road with him!

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“More women need to get this kind of support for free in the community so that all menopausal women have access. My goal is for doctors to refer menopausal women to our cafe so they can join an army of women who can support them.

“Children in schools need to be taught about it. Men need to be educated about it. More workplaces need to have menopause policies and advocates. I would also love to see free menopause cafes spring up across the country. All of the above is part of the larger picture of menopause cafe which I hope will grow into something much bigger offering all of the above services in one place.”

You can find more information about menopause coffee on Juanita’s website here and you can follow their Facebook page here and instagram page here. Menopause Cafe is based at Olives Cafe, 60 Page Moss Lane, Huyton, L14 0LX.

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