Blood pressure patients should not eat ordinary salt, but eat this pink salt, BP will remain under control

Benefits Of Pink Salt: Nowadays, due to negligence in food and processed food, blood pressure, sugar and other problems are being created. High blood pressure damages the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack. In such a situation, one thing that harms the patient of blood pressure is common salt. If there is a problem of high BP, you should eat moist food in limited quantity. Apart from this, instead of ordinary salt, you should consume rock salt, which people know as pink salt.

People use rock salt in fasting. This salt is considered pure. This salt is prepared without any chemical process. At the same time, while making common salt, many chemical processes have to go through, due to which the nutrients of salt are reduced. That is why it is advisable to use pink salt to stay healthy. Know the benefits of pink salt.

Benefits of pink salt
1- Rock salt, which is called pink salt, helps in controlling blood pressure.
2- Calcium and potassium are found in abundance in rock salt. which benefits health.
3- Those who feel tired and weak early should consume only rock salt.
4- Rock salt helps to relax the body by reducing high blood pressure.
5- Rock salt is also very beneficial for the eyes. By consuming it, the eyesight can be saved from decreasing.
6- Eating pink salt helps in making the digestive system healthy.
7- If you are having problem of vomiting or nausea, then you can eat pink salt mixed with lemon juice.
8- By consuming rock salt, the problem of muscle cramps is removed and sleep comes well.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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