Bad Breath? Follow These 7 Ayurvedic Tips to Control it

Do you feel awkward when you talk because of bad breath? In general, these circumstances are quite harmless and assume nothing but a pleasant experience! Bad breath or halitosis (stale or foul-smelling condition) is the result of germs in our mouths that separate food between our teeth, gums and tongue.Also read – Mumbai’s drinking water stock fell below 10 per cent, current supply could be enough for 38 days: BMC

According to Ayurveda, poor oral hygiene and imbalance of bile which controls the digestive system is the root cause of bad breath. Other causes include mouth breathing, morning breath, smelly food (garlic, onion and yogurt), drinks (tea, coffee, soda), certain medications, sinus infections or colds, cavities, alcohol consumption, smoking, Also read – Struggling with bad breath? These simple and effective tips will help you get rid of it immediately – watch the video

Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors that affect our body, most notably bacteria. You can get rid of the problem of bad breath by following some simple remedies and lifestyle commands. Also read – Want to quit smoking? Follow these diet and health tips to avoid smoking

Dr. Smitha softCo-founder, Ayushakti shares tips to get rid of bad breath.

Keeping your gut healthy is very important. There are many aspects that affect bacteria in our digestive system and one of them is the food we eat. Eating fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods can help your gut get enough nutrition and healthy microbiomes. Eating probiotics can help the growth of beneficial bacteria in our gut. Healthy gut bacteria are a very important aspect of a healthy life. It is advisable to avoid cold fried, saturated fats, red meat and other preserved food products as it may not be beneficial for the bacteria in the gut.

  • Keep your system free of inflammation
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The human body needs adequately healthy and nutritious food and it is followed with adequate exercise and if it is not met, it reacts with inflammation. Having an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and diet can help you reverse inflammation. There are many anti-inflammatory foods that can be consumed to prevent inflammation. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding refined sugar can be one of the solutions. Grapes, celery, blueberries, ginger, turmeric and many such products can be anti-inflammatory derivatives and keep your system inflammation free.

Perforation in your system can affect your whole body. The human body responds energetically and healthy if things are controlled but unbalanced perforation in our system can cause weakness, restlessness, unwanted bloating, premature aging and much more. Therefore, a balance is needed. There are many watt-balanced food items that can be consumed such as hot soups, stews and other hot liquids that do not cool to room temperature. Buttermilk, ginger and turmeric are also one of the best waat balanced foods. Pea imbalance can be avoided by avoiding cold drinks and foods and inverting them with hot items.

  • Detoxify regularly to clear of these toxins

In Sanskrit, ama means indigestible metabolic waste, and it is an important concept in Ayurveda. Aama deactivates the body’s channels that prevent nutrients from reaching the cells of our system, thus preventing waste from escaping from our body. Many factors can cause this in our body such as overeating, eating stale and packaged foods, drinking cold drinks and overeating cold foods. Modern science talks about it because amyloid toxins prevent the accumulation of amna in the body; It is advisable to fast mugs and vegetables once in three months. If the signs still persist, the process can be continued for a long time.

Follow the lunar and vegetarian fasting ritual for 7 days to get rid of this every three months.

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Drink a glass of this energy drink every morning. Take half a glass of carrot juice, half a pomegranate peel, half a glass of beetroot juice / a bottle of jaggery juice. Mix it all up. Make a smoothie by soaking 10 almonds, 5 walnuts, 1 peeled cardamom, half a teaspoon of anise powder, two inches of fresh turmeric or 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 2 teaspoons of fresh amlaki or amlaki powder.

Chewing herbs is a great way to combat bad breath. You can take a few fennel seeds or two mint leaves in your mouth after any meal. These herbs have antibacterial properties that keep the mouth fresh. Cilantro and parsley are also excellent options. Parsley is a unique remedy for bad breath due to the presence of chlorophyll.

  • Change your toothbrush every month

Our toothbrush is the biggest thing we use every day that can catch maximum bacteria. As human beings, we tend to stick to small things or use them until they are very old, but we should not have a toothbrush as one of them. Within 2-3 months of using the new toothbrush, the microorganisms enter and begin to fill with foul-smelling bacteria. In addition to your toothbrush, it also travels to your teeth when brushing, causing bad breath.

So, always wash and clean your toothbrush properly before and after using it and try to change it every month.

In addition to following the tips above, it is very important to get 7-8 hours of good sleep every night. Our body needs rest and when it is in deep sleep there are a lot of inequalities that calm down and heal naturally.

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