The #1 Workout To Lose Your Beer Gut for Good, Trainer Says — Eat This Not That

Let’s face it: summer barbecues are the best. Burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and cold beer are staples to get excited about at every picnic table. The dreaded result beer belly after enjoying a little too much? Not so attractive. You can’t beat yourself up for indulging in extra treats at seasonal gatherings, but there’s one thing you they can do. Start This #1 Approved by Trainers exerciseand lose your beer belly once and for all!

Eat this, not that! received the best advice and training regimen from suitable personal trainer, Dan Amzallag. (For those who didn’t know, Fyt is the nation’s largest personal training service that makes fitness under the expert guidance of a certified physical or virtual fitness professional convenient and accessible to everyone.) Amzallag explains: “A calisthenics routine with exercise is best to avoid putting too much stress on your muscles.” He adds, “Too much weight in the midsection would put too much pressure on the lower back to stay upright (and not lean forward). Doing crunches can be challenging because there’s a lot of visceral fat in the region.”

It is common to gain weight when your body has not been active for a long period of time. This causes their muscles to weaken, putting them at risk for injury. “The key is to use your body weight to create progressive resistance and not add too much weight that can cause injury,” says Amzallag. Suggest certain calisthenic exercises as they will target the large muscle groups.

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This is a great exercise that Amzallag recommends to help you lose your beer belly for good. Check it out below, and then be sure to read The 6 Best Exercises for Strong, Toned Arms in 2022, Says a Trainer.

abs exercise to get rid of your beer belly

Performing crunches will directly target your abs. Start on your back and bend your knees. Keep your elbows open and place your hands behind your head. Engage your core, lift your head, upper back, and shoulders off the ground and focus on bringing your chest toward both knees. Hold this position for a second, then gradually lower your upper body to the floor. Your core must perform the lift. You want to go down to target the core properly, rather than your shoulders or back. Repeat this exercise for 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

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man doing plank outsideman doing plank outside

Begin your plank position on all fours. Balance on your toes as you stretch your legs back. Make sure your core is activated to reap the full benefits. Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds, then take a 30-second break. Repeat 3 times. You can slowly add more time to improve your endurance and challenge your body.

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burpee exercise to get rid of your beer bellyburpee exercise to get rid of your beer belly

Begin this exercise by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend over, placing your hands on the floor. Then jump both feet back to end up in a plank position. An added bonus is to perform a push-up at this point with both knees on (or off) the ground. If you decide to go this route, bend both elbows so they point away from your body until it’s a few inches above the ground. Return to a table. Then, jump your feet toward your hands as you raise your upper torso to a standing position. In one quick motion, jump up into the sky, keeping both hands above your head. When you land, assume the starting position. Complete 3 more sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

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mature man demonstrating kettlebell deadlift to reduce waistmature man demonstrating kettlebell deadlift to reduce waist

To stay up to date on the latest mind and body news, be sure to check out These foolproof exercises will reduce visceral fat fast, says a trainer Y This type of exercise is a great stress reducer, according to a new study.

alexa mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Associate Editor for Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel, and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness, and personal care. read more

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