Predictive Analytics: What the Future Holds for Healthcare – ET HealthWorld

By Seagull Atzmon

Good output always depends on good inputs. And this is nowhere more important than where human health is concerned.

For almost the entire human history, patients have had to rely on subjective judgment calls and the experience of individual physicians. Yet even the most talented physicians make mistakes.

The digital revolution is changing all that now. It is ushering in a new era Inferential analysis, Which gives better results for everyone. This is because applying machine learning to the collection of historical data enables medical professionals to make evidence-based decisions. It creates a positive circle: more data inputs facilitate more subtle output. And everyone involved in the healthcare system benefits: it is funded by governments and even the patients who use it.

Improving patient outcomes
The recent Covid-19 epidemic provides a good example of this process. Recently StudyPublished by the JAMA Network, U.S. researchers conducted a predetermined analysis of approximately 2 million adults hospitalized with the virus between January and December 2020.

Inputs were usually data points collected within 24 hours of admission. Due to the output, machine learning algorithms and predictive analyzes, there were risk variables for serious cases of Covid-19. This provides an advanced approach to maximizing health outcomes. Machine learning algorithms can be programmed to provide insights into treatment strategies for current patients based on previous patient data and outcomes. They can be taught to look before the warning signs intensify. Improved diagnostic accuracy enables more effective treatment.

Predictive analytics also provides us with a valuable tool for analyzing how different patients respond to the same treatment. For example, researchers at the University of Michigan’s Rosel Cancer Center are developing a blood test that can predict whether a specific treatment for HPV-positive throat cancer is effective months before a standard imaging scan can be performed. This will allow physicians to switch treatment courses sooner if the current course does not work, potentially saving patients months of unnecessary and painful treatment. The overall quality of the patient’s treatment will improve.

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Increasing operational efficiency
The rise of the internet and smartphones means that people all over the world now have a vast store of knowledge and information at their fingertips. This is benefiting the healthcare industry in many ways.

Digitization of health records, access to big data and cloud storage, improved software and mobile application technology are all improving the performance of the medical industry. More efficient workflows and faster access to information mean that duplication of fewer resources leads to financial savings that can be used elsewhere to increase healthcare costs.

Technology can provide hospitals with real-time evaluation and analysis of staff performance based on historical and real-time patient admission rates. The growing shortage of beds in the hospital can also be addressed by hypothetical analysis, which helps prevent the problem from occurring in the first place.

Additional staff can be directed to the need. As a result, the overall service delivery to patients improves, ensuring that the latter receive as high quality care as possible. However, while big data analytics is improving patient care and efficiency, we must not forget how easy it is for healthcare workers to be overwhelmed by the increasing flood of electronic data. We need good IT systems that are not only able to communicate with each other, but also easily accessible through a user-friendly interface.

There is evidence that doctors are making rapid transitions. Recent StudyPublished in the JAMA Network, it notes how physicians now spend 62% of their time with each patient evaluating electronic health records (EHRs), with most of the time taking clinical data reviews.

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No researchers Stanford University Surveyed doctors working in the Department of Gastroenterology. A total of 11 out of 12 people said they prefer to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) over traditional methods. It saves about a fifth of their time.

Using AI provides timely and accurate patient information as well as treatment recommendations. It removes the burden on healthcare workers and has a bright and promising future in healthcare delivery. What we are witnessing is a massive shift from a labor-intensive to a technology-driven model across the healthcare value chain. Big data is starting to complement human skills, allowing physicians to make quick decisions that create patient-friendly outcomes.

Technology will continue to enhance clinical diagnosis and patient care, but it will never completely replace human intervention and personal touch. The end result will be a healthcare system that prioritizes both.

Seagal Atzmon, founder and CEO of Medix Global

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