‘I’m a personal trainer. Here are the 4 signs it’s time to break up with your gym.’

The gym is an intimate environment. He has seen you in your most vulnerable version, sweaty, grumpy, before dawn, before coffee and pre-made up. So it’s understandable that you have a personal relationship with a gym and that a breakup can be sad and uncomfortable.

But just like a human relationship, there are signs that show it might be time to end your gym. Here are just four of those signs (and whether the relationship can be saved).

While you’re here, watch the Mamamia team confess their most embarrassing moments in the gym. The post continues after the video.

You have outdone each other.

Depending on the type of facility you frequent, it might be time to break up with your gym if you’ve simply outgrown what it offers. This breakdown is more common in facilities that offer only one type of specific training. The danger of sticking around is stagnating physically and mentally as you continue to do the same exercise, with the same frequency, with the same intensity day in and day out. On a positive breaking note, this facility may have built your confidence and broadened your horizons to try other forms of exercise you never would have dreamed of.

Can this relationship be saved?

Yes! The comunication is the key. Talk to the facility experts about your concerns and they can advise you on how to change your workouts to give them a new lease on life. However, if you have decided to part ways and the gym wants the best for you, it should be a mutual and amicable parting, with the door wide open should you decide to return.

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You are too comfortable.

You are part of the furniture. You are on autopilot. You don’t get the same joy or the same results as when you started. This is a relationship that is getting old.

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