Woman wanted out of Coquitlam under BC Mental Health Act

Alysia Strongarm was last seen more than two weeks ago when she left a designated facility on a two-day pass.

Alysia Strongarm left a designated facility in Coquitlam on a two-day pass last month.

More than two weeks later, she has not been seen or heard from.

The 35-year-old woman is now considered wanted under the BC Mental Health Law and police say she may behave in a way that presents a risk to herself and others.

RCMP is turning to the public as efforts to find Strongarm have fallen short since the order was issued.

She was last seen around 10 a.m. on June 17 and was reported missing by police on June 19, when her pass expired.

“There is concern for Strongarm’s welfare and the police are required to detain her and return her to a designated facility,” explains spokesman S/Sgt. Paul Vadik in a press release.

Vadik adds that Strongarm has been known to frequent downtown Vancouver.

If seen, the public is asked to stay away from her and to call 911 immediately.

She is described as:

  • Indigenous
  • 5’6″
  • 160 pounds
  • Brown hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Last seen wearing…

    • gray coat
    • navy blue t-shirt
    • Black sweatpants
    • white adidas shoes

Anyone with more information on Strongarm’s whereabouts is urged to call the Coquitlam RCMP at 604-945-1550 or cite file-number 2022-15326.

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