High cholesterol: The ‘cholesterol-busting food’ that could lower levels – study

High cholesterol is a scary concept, especially since the silent condition can lead to heart disease and stroke While high levels don’t set off too many alarms, there are plenty of ways to take down the culprit. A food that could do just that are legumes.

Dr. Claire Shortt, Senior Scientist and Nutritionist at FoodMarble, said: “Legumes are a great source of fibervegetable protein, healthy fats and micronutrients (folate, potassium, iron, niacin and riboflavin).

“They have been shown to help control the level of cholesterol in the blood.”

In addition to containing all kinds of proteins and nutrients, legumes are rich in fiber, which makes them a good choice for cholesterol.

The expert said: “Fibers (soluble and insoluble) help regulate the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and also promote the growth of a diverse and healthy gut microbiome.”

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Fiber’s magic comes down to its ability to block cholesterol absorption, according to Heart UK.

Mainly contained in fruits and vegetables, some types of fiber can block the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine into the bloodstream.

In case you didn’t know, legumes that are particularly high in fiber include those of the type Beanspeas and lentils.

In addition, small sources of protein are also supported by research.


A to studypublished in the British Journal of Nutrition, looked at 108 people aged 50 and over.

These participants either received two servings of legume-based foods or followed their usual diet for two months.

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This period was followed by a one-month washout period, after which each group switched to the other diet for two months.

As for pulse sources, the study looked at Beanschickpeas, peas and lentils.

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The researchers found that the legume-based diet lowered total cholesterol by 8.3 percent, making it an “effective” option for lowering cholesterol.

How many legumes should I eat?

Shortt said: “In a meta-analysis (review of multiple clinical trials), the results showed that LDL cholesterol it was reduced by five percent when 130 g of legumes per day were consumed.

“This is equivalent to eating a third of a can of beans a day.

“I would regularly substitute legumes for red meat, as they are a great option for adding texture and variety to meals.”

In addition, legumes are also considered a low glycemic index food thanks to their fiber content, which makes them slower to digest.

Thanks to this, small foods could make you feel full for longer.

“This can help you maintain a healthy weight, as well as lower your blood level. cholesterol”, pointed out the expert.

Heart UK shares that it doesn’t matter if you opt for fresh, canned, frozen or dried vegetables and legumes, they all count.

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