Bedsheet Tips: Changing sheets is also important for good health, know how many days to change sheets

Changing Bed Sheet: There are many of us who do not pay attention to the number of days in which the sheet has to be changed. While changing the bedsheet is hardly seen, it takes 5 to 8 minutes. Let us tell you that this careless habit of yours can harm your health in many ways. Yes, just like you wash your hands before eating food and eat food, it is necessary to change the bed sheet every week because even after sleeping on the same sheet for several consecutive days, the body comes in contact with bacteria through the sheet. Due to which there may be a problem of allergies, asthma, hair breakage, pimples on the face or other diseases. So let us tell you today what problems you may have to face due to not changing the sheets, as well as you will also know when and in how much time you should change the bedsheet in your bedroom.

Germs thrive in dirty sheets
Let us tell you that due to not changing the sheets for more than a week, the chances of germs growing in them increase many more. Therefore, change the sheet every week.

Know how many days only how many people change the sheet
It has been revealed in a survey that 28 percent of the people change the sheets in a week. Whereas 40 percent of the people change the sheets only after 15 days. At the same time, up to 24 percent of the people change the sheet only once in 3 weeks. What’s more, the remaining 8 percent of people pay attention to changing the sheets only once in a month.

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Bedsheet can cause illness

Dirty bedsheets can also be the cause of our illness. Our body’s sweat, body fluids like saliva, oil, urine and sexual fluids also fall on the bedsheet. In such a situation, there are more chances of getting infection by sleeping with these things for a long time.

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