What can be the reason for excessive sweating? Learn ways to reduce it

Excessive Sweating Causes : Sweating is quite normal in the summer season, but do you sweat without any reason while sleeping? If yes then this is not a normal situation. There can be many reasons for excessive sweating while sleeping at night. In such a situation, the patient needs to consult health experts immediately. Let us know the causes of excessive sweating and what are the measures to reduce it?

Stress can cause excessive sweating in the body. Stress is the cause of sweating, especially at night. Due to stress, your brain becomes very active while sleeping at night, due to which your brain affects many parts of the body. Because of this, the blood pressure starts increasing in the body, due to which there can be a lot of sweating.

drug effect
Taking too many medicines can also make you sweat profusely. In this situation you do not need to panic. If after some medicines you are seeing such symptoms in the body, then contact the doctor immediately. So that you can be treated on time. Apart from this, due to menopause, lack of proper diet and hyperhidrosis, there is a lot of sweating in the body.

What to do if you sweat excessively?
If you sweat excessively, contact your doctor immediately. Tell the doctor about your condition in detail. So that the doctor can treat these problems based on the cause. Apart from this, you may also need to change your diet and lifestyle.

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